Chapter 23: Smoke & Fire

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I haven't seen Kazakhstan in days... I wonder how he is.

6:27am was the time and no matter how much I wanted and tried to sleep, I couldn't. The blue light of the night shimmered through my blinds, making the whole room light up. When I opened the blinds, the room was coated in a beautifully blue, shimmery light.

You could hear the quiet sounds of birds chirping and cicadas calling out, the wind rustling the trees... It's so calm... but so... wrong...

I searched the view of the woods, I was trying to figure out what was so wrong about the view. The trees were darkened by the light but that wasn't what was bothering me. Looking closer, I noticed two little reddened eyes staring at me, I jumped back away from the window. What the hell?!

My heart was beating quicker than before. Who is that?! I quietly creeped up to the window, peaking over it. Gone... Maybe I was just seeing things! Yeah! Seeing things... Well there goes my chances at sleeping tonight anyways...

I looked once more over the gloriously sickening scene of the forest before walking towards the door. I walked out into the kitchen to make some food, the time was now 6:36. While making my cereal I heard a big thump making me jump.

"Who is there?!" I yelled out, concerned by all of these suspicious noises. This is so stupid. This is the beginning of a horror movie and I'm going to be the dumbass who gets murdered first. I grabbed a butcher knife out of a drawer and slowly sneaked over to the door

"Hello?" I whispered, holding my breath as I slowly turned the doorknob and cracked the door open to see Kazakhstan standing there half asleep.

"Kaz?" Kazakhstan quietly looked down to see me, his eyes partially shut as he ran his hands through his rough hair.

"I've been thinking about you since you left, man..." He stood there not responding to anything I said.

"Come in, Kaz, lay down. You look like you are half in the grave, man." I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him along inside. He left the door open behind him but I didn't care, I'd close it later. Carefully, I put him in front of the bed and sat him down.

"You need sleep, it's 6 in the morning." he still did not respond, he just stared at me, his eyes glazed over in sadness

"Kaz, what's wrong?" He turned away from me, staring out of the window

"Are you still mad at me?" He said simply in the quietest voice he could. How could I be mad at you? I've missed you... worried about you, You are like a brother to me, Kaz...

"No... I'm not I- I've missed you so much... I'm worried about you... I..." He smiled sadly, A tear rolling down his face.

"I missed you too, bro." He said, leaning in for a hug, in which I quickly wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry for the big fight we had, Argentina..." Does he even remember the nickname? I looked at him

"No... It's my fault, I over reacted, just know that I am sorry and I'm just glad you are back, my friend..." I looked at him. You really wouldn't understand how much I worry about you, Kaz... You are so loyal and strong, but you never give up... you work yourself hard and sometimes too hard, but you'll keep going, no matter how long it takes..

"Hey, Argie, do you mind if I sleep here from now on? It's hard sleeping in the trees... with no bedding..." I nodded, smiling as he remembered the nickname he had given me all of those years ago.

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