Chapter 29: Love & Hate

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America and Russia finally emerged from the forest about an hour after they had entered, it was already 6 pm so the sun was sinking down the sky.

"Hey, welcome back... Muddy.. Boy?" Kazakhstan walked towards them, slowing down at the sight of America's muddyness.

"Um, what happened?" He asked, looking skeptically at the clean Russian then the dirtied American.

"Long story short, Russia got his power!" America's spunky voice made Russia's eyes roll.

"Ah, and what is with the mud?" Egypt motioned towards the American.

"Uhhhhh yyeeeeaaaahhhhhhh..." America elongated the word.

"Sooo, it took a bit to unearth his poweerrrrr..???" America laughed nervously, wiping the mud off of his clothes, he failed miserably to get it all off, instead it just spread.

"Ah, sure. Okay." Iceland stepped in, annoyance tinged his words.

"Now, magic my hat." Russia said, simply not thinking about adding any politeness.

"Have you ever heard of the word please?" America prodded the Russian who retorted by staring down the other country.

"Use your magic or sleep on the forest floor tonight." America was shocked by the Russians threat, but he didn't wait any longer.

"Okay, Okay! I enchant this hat to become clean." The mud quickly fell from the hat leaving it looking almost untouched with the slight exception of torn stitches.

"Here, sassypants." America joked tossing the hat over towards Russia who snatched it out of the air. He held it for a moment looking it over.

"Like I said though, you look better without the hat!" America sang and Russia shot him another look of hatred mixed with annoyance.

"So, What is your power, bro?" Kazakhstan pushed up on Russia with his wing. Russia immediately grabbed his wing, causing Kazakhstan to yelp from the sudden movement. Russia's feet turned into talons, A tail grew from his backside, and wings grew from his back, his feathers shimmered red and bluish white in the sun dimming light.

Kaz stepped back in awe although it was less of a step, he more-like stumbled back, clearly losing his own energy, His wings were still there, but they lay dragging on the floor lifeless.

Russia's eyes were glowing red as this all went down, signaling the fact that he was using his power.

"Wow..." Egypt muttered while Iceland stared in shock.

"I can't move my wings." Kazakhstan glared at Russia as the Russian stretched out his new wings and swiftly moved his feathered tail.

"Yeaahhh, so that's his power, I call it Power stealing!" America's bubbly personality brought up the mood some. Russia reached out and touched Kazakhstan's wings again, his eyes dimmed and with that his wings disappeared, in mere seconds Kaz stretched his wings all the way out and flew up into the air, shaking with energy.

"Gah! So. Much. ENERGY!" He began flying in circles above us. America laughed as Kaz flew quickly.

"So, what happened to Britain?" I broke the mood, everything quickly got darker and America's smile faded.

"He doesn't like us very much." Russia said, looking at the American.

"Explain." I said, also staring at America who looked away nervously, he seemed like he was hiding something.

"Let's just say, he took a nice nap and will wake up with a headache and most likely a newfound burning hatred for us." America said quietly, staring at the forest, not making any attempt to look at us. I glanced down at my phone to check the time again.

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