Chapter 58; It's Almost Time

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"Once again, you have the same dream, but you don't do anything about it?" Russia paced from one wall to another, his voice was short.

"But it wasn't the same." I sat on the side of my bed with my legs hanging over the side. I quietly grabbed onto the comforter gently rubbing it in between my fingers.

"Yet it was. You've had this dream a million times over and you can't do anything to stop it. What am I supposed to do? Just look at you." Russia paused in his step. He threw out his hand gesturing towards me, annoyance dripped into his words as he dropped his hand back to his side.

"I..." I dropped my gaze to my feet, my shoulders sunk in defeat. It was me having the dreams, not him, yet he was still yelling at me for it.

"America." I could feel the air in the room freeze as all fell silent.

"Yes?" Another silent moment passed before I looked up at the Russian man. He continued to stare at me, his eyes a vibrant green looking deep into my soul.

"What happened when I left you outside?" I slowly lowered my gaze once more, bringing my hands into my lap comfortably. Russia silently stepped towards me, his aura weighed heavily on my shoulders as an intense stare fell upon me.

Another step and Russia stood above me in a way that sent shivers down my spine, I anxiously rubbed my wrists together, clawing silently at my bruised skin,

"America." Russia spoke even shorter than before.

I shook my head. I can't just sit here. I can't tell him what has happened. I can't. I took a moment to think through the days prior. I let out a long breath and stood up.

"Don't we have a plan to put to action, Russia?" The two of us held an uncanny eye contact as tension began to rise. For a moment I thought; Why do me and you always end up fighting each other? The I realized that I actually kind of enjoyed the fights every-so-often

Once again I shook my head and before Russia could even respond I began towards the bathroom, turning my back towards the Russian.

I told everyone a specific job to do, let's just hope everyone has done what I have asked. I let out a long sigh looking into the bathroom mirror, I had obtained a minor amount of cuts and bruises from my time in that dreamworld, but none of them were that serious.

I brought my hand up to my lip, silently running my thumb over the cut where a long thorned branch had grasped me. Even with the carefullest touch, the gash began to burn like salt on a wound.

I removed my finger from the wound, dropping my gaze to my finger. A small streak of blood smeared across my thumb caught my attention as my lip began to bleed once more.

God Damnit, America you have to start protecting yourself, or hell, at least stay out of trouble, just look at you! Always hurt! Always in drama. Always near death..

I eventually looked back into the mirror, staring disgustedly and myself. Hurry up and get ready you have things to do. I sighed, turning on the facet and running my fingers through the water before cupping my hands under the sink and cleansing the blood on my face.

In due time i'm going to end up dead due to the amount of injuries I get. I thought to myself, turning off the faucet then turning on the shower. Let us just hope that that time isn't upon us just yet.


"I'm so over this, Come on, Nazi, help us out!" The italian looked over towards Nazi who sat staring at a tree. The man didn't move almost as if he hadn't heard Italy's annoyed yells.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now