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Eventually I grow bored of reading, well not of reading I just feel like I need to do something. Or I might finish this book in only an afternoon.

Groaning I throw my head back against Loki's chest looking at his upside down face as he reads a little more of his own book before looking down at me with a raised brow.

I feel my brain fog over not really focusing on anything anymore and for a brief second I think of kissing him.

The moment after I think of it it all comes crashing down and I shake my head reminding myself this is not the romance novel I was reading nor a dream.

I stretch my legs feeling the painful needles result of my "training" the other day and gat an idea.

"I wanna traaaaiiinnn!!!"

Loki rolls his eyes looking like he's about to pick his book back up. Tony, who had just taken a break so to say, looked up from his project he was still working on only from somewhere other than his lab.

"Go on just put this on so we can at least get informed if you're about to pass out. And don't try and do so just to test it!"

He throws a fancy looking bracelet at me and continues to work on his weird project.

Groaning again, this time more dramatically I roll around so I'm now laying with my chest on Loki's. Although my chin is still mid chest, finally he looks down seemingly unimpressed by my pettiness.

"But I don't wanna train aloooone!"

Loki's sight as he slowly closed and reopened my eyes. Normally this would've made me burst out laughing only it was directed to me, and thus no longer as entertaining.

"Darling as far as I'm concerned your conversation involved Tin can over there not me"

I ignore his comment and continue.

"I wanna be able to take someone, not just a bag or a robot... I can't smell their fear if they're not alive!"

Steve who'd just walked by, probably heading down to train as well stopped when hearing me speak and his face was just amazing.

"I wanna get lifted for touch and feel like I'm flying as well as the tension in my whole body...never thought I'd say this but I miss running for my life across the field! And the one around the base is just perfect"

Rolling over to my side I let my body hit the ground letting out a muffled oof and turning on my back I stare at the ceiling.

Looking up at Thor who was still far too focused on his poptarts and I believe speaking to his hammer?

"It'd be so cool to play with you guys, like just attempt to takle Thor and dislocate a shoulder, tripping Pietro to try and stop the guy..."

Most probably hearing his name get called a flashing silver blue figure rushed in. Thor smiled proudly at the idea, understanding I'd meant it as a compliment to his warrior body, as he liked to call it.

My soulmate EDITING!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora