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"If you two feel like it we could try?! It's been a while since I haven't done touch so that's why the big gym pad"

Thor jumped on his feet quickly a bright smile on his lips nodding as we moved to stand on the pad with Loki following us.

"Also, please hold on as strongly as you deem necessary, I tend to get bruises from that but I largely prefer that to falling!"

They both nodded and I started to explain how they needed to both coordinate the movement they both had to do and exactly what I would do so neither of them would be surprised.

I also explained how for now we'd start with their hands already in the correct placement.

"Now usually the strongest would be behind, but I know both of your strengths and it's not like either of you would have a problem pulling me up, so it's up to you"

I move to stand in the middle of the gym pad as they silently decide which would do which.

Soon enough Thor moves to stand before me crouching as I'd told him, but waiting for me to move his hands to the correct placement, a small mischievous smile on his lips which I pay no mind.

Ones his hands are well place I squeeze them with mine, proving to him I would not me bothered, and turn my head to look at Loki who is standing right behind me looking tense.


Almost as if mind controlled he does so now looking at the ground. So because I'd needed to do it for his brother, I get a hold of his hands moving them to the correct placement.

Once there I give the same reassuring squeeze and let go only to notice them lower to mid thigh. Now I'd originally put them slightly below the most comfortable place for me, right below my butt, so he wouldn't be uncomfortable knowing from a little beneath he'd still be able to pick me up safely.

But down to mid thigh it would make me keeping my balance so much harder and in the worst case I'd fall ass first to his face. Annoyed by how many times this type lower grip happened when doing touch with shy newbies, how many times I'd needed to correct it.

Not wanting Loki to be a replay I grabbed a hold of his hands again not even looking at him.

"Would you please just gold on good?! Grab my ass for all I care but hold on good or else I'll end up falling"

As I said this I moved his hands to my comfortable position, no longer caring for his comfort.

"I'll say 'one two three and up!' this means you're ready to pull me up at and but only move in up. Usually there would be no words said in a match only a hand sign or something from the jumper to warm that he's about to jump"

My soulmate EDITING!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon