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Ren's POV

The dark purple bruise right beneath my left eye spread out through my cheek bone, but thankfully didn't actually surround my eye, that would've been annoying.

The story behind it is useless, all there is for you to know is that the other guy is definitely in worse state!

Let's say he landed a punch earned a tackle, followed by me pinning him to the ground and a whole set of smacks and scratches. I may not know how to properly punch, only that no thumb inside fist, and I wasn't about to risk attempting it then.

So instead I just used the skills I'd grown using, smack the shit out of the person, dig your nails as deeply as possible, drag that shit, bite if necessary and go for what hurts most. In case you where wondering, no I'm not an only child. And NO I didn't bit him, although I didn't step and twist on his balls with my heel.

Overall I only got blues, the big one on my face and a few smaller ones on my arms, that and a big scrape on my knees from the fall on concrete.

Thankfully I didn't actually drink any alcohol last night so no headaches!

Jogging down stares I try to remember not to touch my face or rub my eyes, should probably get some ice for the bruise though. Nat did put some on it last night but she's probably gonna ask me to do it again every few hours.

Walking into the kitchen letting out yawn I immediately get the attention of most people in it. Some people, example Bruce Thor and Loki, look shocked as they weren't there yesterday when the girls and I got back home after my little argument.

Tony on the other hand give me a somehow mocking look to which I roll my eyes and move to the fridge serving myself some orange juice.

"For your information I did not drink a single glass last night so no sadly for you I'm not hangover!"

Entering the kitchen comes Wanda and Pepper groaning and rubbing their foreheads followed by a peachy looking Natasha.

"They did though."

Natasha laughs slightly and the two other girls glare, as I served myself a glass of orange juice and sat down waiting for the questions to start. Nothing had been explained yesterday and, very obviously, none of my wounds where to be seen at least not properly.

"Now WHAT happened to you? Fought a racoon on the way back from clubbing?!"

I laughed and let Natasha explain while I ate. Instead Pepper was first to speak.

"That would've been far more preferable! And yeah Wanda, Natasha and I did go clubbing but it mostly looked like we'd dragged Ren around, truly did look like an annoyed and depressed gremlin"

I nodded in agreement noticing Thor's amused look. Of course besides him sat he who must not be named looking both worried and annoyed.

"Did the lady not want to join your festivities?"

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