Chapter 14

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" Come on Zoe!" Joe pleaded trying to get Zoe to go on 'The tower of tower of terror'. After about 10 minutes of persuading Zoe to go on the ride Alfie,Zoe,Joe and I were all stood in que. Levi was super hot so didn't really want To go on any rides so it was just us four.

"OMG!" I heard someone scream from further up the que. " It's Zoella, ThatcherJoe and PointlessBlog!"

We then had a small group of teenagers surrounding us asking for selfies with Joe, Alfie and Zoe. One girl who was with them looked about eight and she politely asked me If she could get a selfie with me. Of course I said yes and she told me that I was a great singer. After the small crowed had cleared we discovered that we were at the front of the line so we got a line of seats right at the front. As Joe and Alfie had been on this ride before they got me and Zoe to sit together then they sat at the ends. Although I am quite shy and lack self confidence I love edrenilin, rides are my favourite so I loved it when the elevator jumped up and down. After a few minutes the ride was finished so we all went back to Mum, Levi and Graham And surprise surprise they were sat on there phones checking social media.

" Your pic got 1000 likes on Instagram!" Mum said smiling.

" Really?" I asked shocked but then when I looked on my Instagram it was true, I had over 1000 likes! A load of people had commented saying that it was a cute picture and a few said that we looked like such an adorable little family. What a great end to a great first day at disney!

Living in a dream world: a Zalfie and ThatcherJoe fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now