Chapter 26

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"Amelia!" I heard Levi whisper into my room as I slowly stirred from my sleep.
"What?" I said looking at my phone."It's quarter past one in the morning."
" Mums gone into labour!" He said quietly turning my light on. After hearing those four words I imedietly wake up fully and put my glasses on. "Graham woke me up and said to stay put. He's taken mum to hospital so it won't long now. He's gonna E-Mail school to tell them that were not going in."
"Cool!" Was all I could squeak out."At least we can have a lie in."
"You and your love of sleep!"
He then left my room shutting the door.
Sorry for the short chapter! Big one (ish) coming up!

Living in a dream world: a Zalfie and ThatcherJoe fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now