Chapter 27

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Getting back into the groove of school today has been rough, and it's only Monday. The first day back from Spring Break and as I glanced around each classroom I went into today I could tell I wasn't the only one not ready to be back. Nonetheless I typed away on my laptop making notes as I went, hoping that focusing on school would take my mind off the week I had. In just a week my world really took me for a fucking spin. First, the humiliating face off with Shawn. Second, the horrifying run in with Connor. And third, the second run in with Shawn.

I can't believe I saw him just yesterday at Bailey's apartment. When I walked out of the bedroom I wasn't expecting to see him there. A part of me was happy he showed up for me and as we spoke in the living room I felt some of the awkward tension melt away between us. It felt just a bit more closer to the way we used to be, still miles away, but I would take any little bit of the reminiscent feelings and vibes. Then I saw her name on his phone. Mikayla. I watched him hesitate with answering and ultimately deciding to ignore the call. I don't know if that annoyed me more or not, but in that moment I snapped back to present day and stood from the couch, needing to distance myself from him. The memory of the weekend prior came flooding back when I saw the two of them together.

I took off and got an Uber back to my place. Once I was inside I took the opportune moment that I had the place to myself still and collapsed onto the couch in tears. I cried about Shawn. I cried about Connor. And I cried for me. I didn't move from the couch until my alarm sounded and I knew I had to get Megan from the airport. As much as I didn't want to head back into the world I grabbed her truck keys and left the apartment. By the time I made it to the arrivals area, Megan had already texted she was waiting outside. I noticed her standing by the curb as she waved aggressively to get my attention. I parked and hoped out to meet her as she engulfed me in a tight hug.

On the drive home I broke the news to her about the Connor run in the night before. Megan was fuming when I told her what happened but was thankful that Bailey had come to my rescue. When I continued to tell her that Shawn showed up in Oakridge this morning she let out a small squeal like sound that startled me slightly. I was quick to shut down any thoughts she had that it was some romantic reunion and she wasn't buying it until I told her about the girlfriend calling. She gave me a sympathetic look and finally stopped trying to convince me that Shawn and I were destined to be together still.

When we got back to the apartment we had a girls night in. Megan showed me pictures from her trip, luckily this year they were void of any dick pics. I laughed along with her as she retold the fun nights out and crazy adventures her and some of our friends went on. I definitely felt a bit like I had missed out when I listened to her go on and on about how great it was. I told her a bit more in detail about my initial run in with Shawn the week prior and how embarrassed I felt standing there in front of his new incredibly gorgeous girlfriend like a fool. We watched two chick flicks before we were both starting to fall asleep on the couch and called it a night.

Now I'm on my way to track practice. I've been looking forward to it all day, aching to get my feet into runners and hit the track to out run all my stress. We are still practicing indoors on account of the foot of snow still outside so I head into the athletic building. After I get changed into my workout gear I head to the indoor track. I head right into a warm up run, my stride lengthening as I feel my legs getting stretched out. After four laps I slow to a walk and find a spot to stretch at the edge of the track. A few more teammates have started to file in now and start into their own warmups as I reach and grab my toes of my outstretched leg.


I hear a voice from above me and turn my head to look up and finding a smiling Will. I offer a smile back. We haven't spoken much since the breakup and only see each other at track practices, but we usually stick to avoiding one another. I watch him hesitate on whether he wants to join me for stretching or find a spot far away from me.

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