Chapter 42

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I have never felt so useless in my life. Lyla is laying in a hospital bed beside me as she grips my hand in hers and breathes through another contraction. I've been stuck just standing or sitting by her bed the past seven hours we've been here. I have served the purpose of providing a hand to squeeze and retrieving ice chips for my wife who is in an unimaginable amount of pain at this point. I stare down at her and wish there was more to do then worry about her and our baby, hoping that everything continues to go smoothly.

Lyla has been a rock star since we got here. Her contractions were still far enough apart when we arrived at the hospital that the doctor told us we would have awhile to wait still. By now they've grown close together and last the doctor checked she was eight centimetres dilated. I feel Lyla squeeze my hand again as another contraction hits her. She is an absolute powerhouse, beautiful in every way as I watch her go through this whole thing. She groans out in pain as the contraction comes to an end and she leans back into the firm mattress looking exhausted. I really don't know how she's still doing this, it's incredible to watch her keep going when I know she's drained.

Not that this surprises me at all. Lyla has always been a strong and tough woman. She has been through numerous battles in her life already and come out stronger on the other side every time. She truly astounds me on a daily basis. I lean down and kiss her forehead that is coated in layer of sweat as she tilts her head to look up at me. She is as breathtaking as the day I married her, maybe even more in this moment.

When I proposed to her four years ago, I was on cloud nine that night. I felt untouchable and I never wanted the feeling to go away. I could barely wait to call my dad and Bailey to share the news. They had both just laughed and told me it was about damn time. I had been a nervous wreck the entire next week. Not because of the wedding. I was worried that Lyla would change her mind and regret her impulsive decision to agree to be my wife. But when I saw her walking down the flower pedal lined aisle towards me I finally breathed out all my hesitations and knew she wanted a forever with me.

We didn't get a honeymoon right away since the wedding was so last minute, but we did get to spend that night and the next in a honeymoon suite at a hotel in Harrington. We definitely got to practicing on the future baby making in those forty-eight hours. We talked about kids that night while laying in bed and both agreed we wanted to wait a bit before we started trying. We both wanted to get more settled into our careers for a few years and we were in no rush. Although when Bailey had the girls it was hard to resist the baby fever whenever we saw their adorable little faces.

We started trying at the beginning of last year. We were both eager to start a family and fill the bedrooms in the new house we purchased. Don't get me wrong, I was having fun, but as month after month passed with Lyla taking a pregnancy test every few weeks to only be disappointed by the negative result I started to get worried for us. I became a bit of a stress case watching my wife become more depressed the longer we waited for good news and I hoped with everything I had we would get lucky one of these days.

It was just a few days after New Years this year when I came home and was almost knocked to the ground as Lyla collided into me, crying hysterically and my stomach dropped immediately, assuming the worst. Then when she finally pulled away from our embrace I could see her smiling through her tears. That's when I noticed what was in her hand. She held the pregnancy test up so I could see the two solid pink lines. We were pregnant. I scooped her up into my arms and twirled around as she laughed for the first time in what felt like months. It was the most beautiful sound to hear. I kissed her and wiped away her tears as she reached up and wiped away the few that had fallen from eyes. My incredibly thoughtful and beautiful wife was now going to be the mother of my child. She was going to be such an amazing mother.

A different doctor walks into the room with two nurses following her and introduces herself as the anesthesiologist. She will be giving the epidural to Lyla. I can see the bit of relief wash over Lyla's face at the mention of some painkillers. I help her get to a sitting position on the bed and hold her hand as the doctor gets everything setup behind Lyla. When I see her pull out the needle I feel my legs start to wobble at the size of it. I take a deep breath and look away, knowing I will for sure pass out if I watch that thing go into my wife. Lyla takes it like a champ and I help her get laid back down in bed after the doctor leaves.

I can't help but admire her so damn much right now. I've known her for seven years and thought there was no way I could love her more then I already do yet being here in this room with her as we wait for our baby boy to arrive I feel a whole new appreciation for her and the love we share. She requests more ice chips and I fly out of the room to go retrieve them as quickly as I can. I already know where to go and the nurses I pass on the way all smile at me with encouragement to keep chugging along. I grab two cups and fill them before I rip back to the room and hand one over to Lyla.

Within thirty minutes Lyla feels the full effect of the epidural and breathes a bit easier as she relaxes more on the bed. The next three hours pass by as smoothly as they can, with me trying to help her get through one contraction after another. When the doctor finally comes in again I can tell Lyla is getting to her breaking point with waiting for this baby to make his appearance.

"Looks like we're ready to start pushing," the doctor tells us as he starts to get ready for our baby and the nurses cart over a tray of instruments to his side.

I look down at Lyla and she smiles up at me as tears brim her eyes.

"You got this honey," I tell her and place another kiss on her forehead.

She tightly grips my hand as the doctor starts to instruct her on when and how long to push. My free hand goes to her back as she leans forward and I try my best to offer her support. I'm not sure how long the process takes, I just know my wife is a superhero as she continues to push time and time again until we hear the sound of a soft cry fill the room. I watch the doctor hold my son up and I lay eyes on him for the first time.

"It's a boy, congratulations," he tells us and I can't take my eyes off our baby. "Would you like to cut the cord dad?'

It takes me a moment to realize he's talking to me, I'm dad now, and I nod my head. They hand me what looks like a pair of scissors and tell me where to cut as I follow their direction. I watch them carry him over to a small table and wipe him down before wrapping him in a blanket and carry him over to us. The nurse places him into Lyla's arms and I watch her start to cry as she holds him for the first time. He's so small. I lean over Lyla and wrap an arm around her as my other hand lightly rests around my son. I feel my heart squeeze inside my chest as I stare down at him. I kiss Lyla over and over again on her forehead.

"You did amazing beautiful," I tell her.

"He's perfect," she whispers back.

As I look down at my wife and my new son, the two people that mean everything to me in this world, I have never felt more happy or more afraid in my life.

"Welcome to the world Michael George Nolton," Lyla whispers softly down to our son.

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