Chapter 39

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I stare up at the Nolton household. It's been years since I've been here and I take my time in admiring it. It looks identical to the last time I was here, minus one change of a new garden bed built under the front window which is filled with pink, white, and purple flowers. I stretch my arms above my head and let out a long sigh. The five hour drive from Harrington this morning seemed to drag, probably because I was excited to get here. The humidity of the late June weather has me sweating already and my T-shirt sticks to my body but I couldn't be more thrilled to be here.

Bailey's engagement party is tonight. When she got engaged this past Christmas I was beyond excited for her. She called me the next day and asked me to be a bridesmaid, which made my tear up as I accepted. Since then the last six months have been planning every detail of the wedding with her over the phone. She sends me about twenty Pinterest ideas a day and spams my phone but I eagerly look over them and offer my opinion to her when it comes to everything from the flowers to her dress to the colour scheme.

We already had her bachelorette party last month and spent the weekend at my cottage with a group of about fifteen girls. It was a great time, everyone got along and there was zero drama to Bailey's delight. In total she had four bridesmaid and then a maid of honour who is her childhood best friend, Nancy. We clicked right off the bat when I met her at the bachelorette, she is just as sweet as Bailey with a little less crazy. All in all, the entire bridal party gets along which makes things easy for everyone with planning.

The wedding is in four weeks from now. They had opted to have this party a month before the wedding for people to attend who couldn't make it to the wedding day. I head to the trunk of my car and grab my garment bag containing my dress and shoes I'll need to change into before the party starts. I close the trunk and start my way towards the house. The front door swings open to reveal Bailey who screams in excitement and races across the lawn to meet me. I giggle excitedly as I open my arms and we hug one another.

"Yay, you're here!" She exclaims and I laugh at her giddiness.

"I am here and ready to help, put me to work!" I declare and she laughs as we pull apart and head into the house.

"Well we still have about three hours before everyone is supposed to start arriving so we have tons of time. My dad is out getting ice and some food for the bbq with Milo," she explains. "Shawn is at work so he is excused from helping set everything up but I told him he better get me a damn good gift."

I chuckle and shake my head at Bailey, but can't help but notice the bit of butterflies in my stomach at the mention of Shawn's name. I knew he would be here tonight obviously, he's the brother of the bride and one of the groomsman as well. We haven't spoken since Christmas. I'm not too sure why, I wasn't thinking too much into it. I had thought about messaging him a few times but then days past and weeks and soon months while I was busy at work. Bailey kept me busy in my free time with her wedding plans but also provided me with updates on Shawn's life. I knew he was still enjoying his job, he had gotten his own apartment in town, and he wasn't seeing anyone. That last tidbit was the most appealing to me. Especially preparing to come tonight, I wanted a heads up if I was going to have to see him with some new girlfriend.

"Okay we can start with getting all these folding tables set up in the backyard then set the table clothes out on them," Bailey says as she points to a stack of white tablecloths.


We get to work with setting up for the party and two hours fly by as my mind stays stuck on Shawn and seeing him tonight. I wonder if his hair is short or long right now. I wonder if he will be clean shaven or have some scruff or even a beard. I hope he wears a green shirt that makes his eyes pop. I know no matter what he's going to look damn good and I can't wait.

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