Chapter 28

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I'm officially three months post surgery and doing great. The doctor says my knee is looking strong, but I still need to make sure I don't overdo it at the chance I might undo the progress I've made so far. It's hard to not push myself at the gym, but I know I certainly don't want to ever be back on crutches so I listen to the doctors and pace myself. Being able to lift some heavier weights now has helped out a lot and I've been able to hit up the team gym with the guys a bit more now and lift with them.

I'm currently sitting in the stands at one of our games, cheering on my teammates to hang onto their one goal lead with only three minutes left in the game. Mikayla is sitting next to me, cheering along and holding tightly onto my hand. The game has been an intense one from the get go with the other team taking a two nothing lead and then we came back in the third to score three goals and take the lead we are currently holding. One of our players takes a huge hit down in the corner and the crowd goes nuts over it as I feel Mikayla drop her head into my shoulder as she looks away. Not me though, I can't tear my eyes off the ice. What I would give to be out there right now.

The last minute of play is called out by the announcer as the arena grows louder and louder as the seconds tick down. We get possession of the puck and carry it out of our zone, freezing with it in the neutral zone to try and kill a few seconds before dumping it into their end. I glance at the clock, ten seconds left now. Our forwards don't sit back and aggressively fore-check to put pressure on and it pays off as we manage to get the puck back and fire a shot that goes wide of the net, but it doesn't matter because the sound of the buzzer goes and the crowd is deafening as people jump to their feet in celebration. I pump my fist and stand from my seat, taking Mikayla's hand as I lead the way down to the dressing rooms.

"Wait here, I've just got to go in to listen to the coach but I'll be back out in a few minutes," I tell her as we pause at the end of the hallway.

"No problem, take your time," she replies sweetly and kisses me on the cheek before I disappear down the hall.

When I walk into the dressing room all the guys are already hollering and celebrating the win, someone even managed to get a case of beer in here and they all pass one around. Greg tosses one my way and I catch it, twisting the cap off and taking a large swig just as our coach walks in. He eyes the bottle in my hand with a raised eyebrow but then just shakes his head with an amused smirk. His post game chat is short and sweet before he takes off again. The guys are all heading out to a bar downtown and I tell them I will see them there before I leave to meet up with Mikayla.

I still have to wear a suit to games even though I'm not playing, so I'm already set to head to the bar and don't need to change. I greet Mikayla at the end of the hall as she is talking to two guys who appear to be from the other team. She blushes in embarrassment when she sees me walking up. I just throw my arm around her shoulder and give a nod to the guys standing there trying to look unfazed by my sudden appearance.

"Ready to head out?" I ask her.

"Yes please," she responds and we walk away without a word to the two dumb asses.

Mikayla drove us here in her car and offers to drive to the bar and just leave it there overnight and we can cab home. When we get to the bar we luckily beat the rush and get in without having to wait in any long lines. Most of the guys just walk to the front anyway but I've never been one to do that which unfortunately means I get stuck waiting.

I lead the way and head upstairs to where the pool tables are and the team usually congregates. I get us a pitcher of beer and a glass of wine for Mikayla. Within the next half hour my team has pooled into the bar and have already turned the place into a giant party. Mikayla is playing pool with a few of my teammates as I sit at a table nearby and watch as I sip my beer.

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