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IT'S BEEN two months since the semester started and so far, Mazu-chan stay on her new school was not as bad as most of her friends on her old school told her.

It's been two months also since she unconsciously volunteered as their class representative and Shori as the appointed representative.

Right now, she can say that Shori and her are really good friends.

She thought that Shori is a snob person but fortunately, he's really nice and amazingly smart. Even though he always sleeps during lectures, he still manages to be the class top student.


Her thoughts were disturbed when someone flick a finger in front of her face that brought her back to reality.

"Oi, Mazu-chan. Are you with me?"

She looked at Shori to see his irritated face as he entangled his both arms in front of his chest.

With that view and knowing how near her distance from him, it makes her heart happy and makes her feel an unexplainable feeling.

They have been friends for the past two months. They are always by each other's side because of the representative thing and maybe this is God's way for her to have connection and relationship with Shori. Even though, they're not lovers, at least they are friends. For now.

For the past two months of being friends with Shori, she thinks that she has this a little bit part of his life. Also, she did know that Shori and Sou were idols.

At first, she didn't believe that both of them are idols of the same boy group because they seldom talk to each other. But when she saw on a television program which the five members of the boy group that they are in were interviewed she hurriedly called Sheiki – which also her friend for a while now and asked if it's true that Sou and Shori were idols of the same boy group.

Sheiki just plainly said yes and ended the call but she needs further confirmations and it explanations that should be from Shori's words.

"Gomennasai. Ano..." she said.

She paused for a while making Shori looked at her since he is waiting for what she was about to say.

"Nani?" Shori asked after Mazu-chan paused for some time now.

"Are you an idol?" She asked and glanced into Shori's direction.

As usual, there goes the fluttering sensation on her stomach and the abnormal thumping of her heart.

Expecting for a serious atmosphere and for a sincere answer, Shori just suddenly laughs out of nowhere.

It's as if she just said something obvious and very dumb.

Her face reddened with the way he laughs at her question.

Maybe asking him was a mistake. She just makes herself look embarrassing in front of Shori.

"I-I'm sorry, Mazu-chan." Shori succeeded to utter words out of his laughs. "But seriously, you still didn't get it after you saw me on the television?"

Mazu-chan bites her lower lip unconsciously.

She doesn't want to utter any words again because that'll maybe make her look worse.

Moments passed and Shori collected himself and ended his laugh by clearing his throat. After that, he started acting normal again.

The usual calm and cool Shori which all of the people will always see because as much as she know, Shori can only laugh that much with her and on the television.

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