Chapter Forty Five • The White Stag

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 *Warning - this chapter contains a scene depicting sexual trafficking* Read at your own volition. 


"I have seen these people you seek." The man called out once more. Not sounding confident... but sure enough to speak up in front of the whole town. 

That has to mean something. Ulf thought and studied the stranger in the crowd for second. In the other places we passed through, people were dead silent... Had nothing to say. Not even greedy lies in hope of getting a few coins. Nothing. This is the first time someone says anything. 

All eyes turned towards the man who had spoken out. Some curious, some surprised... others not so surprised, these ones also seemed irked by the man's proclamation... Was he the town's source for gossip? 

"Describe them to me." Ulf demanded, not being easily convinced or hopeful that the man actually had seen Jade and that blasted monk. He would rather slit the man's throat before going on a wild hunt in the wrong direction. "Speak!" He barked when nothing happened. 

"Uh..." The man fumbled on his words. "A woman with long dark hair, just as you said, passed through." The man began, daunted for being rushed into speaking. He quickly seemed to realize that he needed to tell Ulf something more specific about this woman he implied having seen. "Her eyes, also as you describe them, icy blue... the bluest I have ever seen." 

"Just so we are clear." Ulf called out sternly to the entire crowd, his eyes fixed at the man, grabbing the hilt of his sword as he spoke. "None of you will be granted a reward for bringing her to us, or giving us information of where we can find her, nothing except knowing that you helped your king." He continued and strolled slowly along the edge of the platform. Eyes roaming from face to face as he droned on. "However, try to deceive us... and you will pay with your life." He finished and locked eyes with the man, who had so far repeated his own words back to him, again. "Have I made myself clear?" 

Mumbles of understanding traveled through the crowd, heads nodding in small waves in answer to his question. 

"They a-arrived b-by foot." The man stuttered now. Afraid and anxious to prove that he was not telling false tales for his own gain. "Out of nowhere. YES! Nowhere!" He exclaimed, a finger held high while the words came falling out of him. His memory feeding him with new information at the fear of potential death. "Boots muddy and soaking wet as if they had crossed a swamp... or walked through the woods to get here... and she was dressed in a brown robe..." He continued, eyes lowering somewhat as he babbled on. Scouring his memory for any other details he could remember. 

Ulf's eyes narrowed while he listened intently. So far, the man could be telling the truth. The usurper's queen and the monk could very likely have traveled by foot through the woods to get here. Without noticing it, he stopped breathing while waiting for the man to go on.

"... actually they were both dressed in brown robes. Now that I think of it, the man looked like a monk. Spoke of God now and then and signing the holy cross. Aye, he was a monk indeed." 

"And who are you?" Holst demanded, standing right next to Ulf without him having noticed him approaching. He was just there all of a sudden. Like an ugly shadow. Ulf glanced at him sideways without moving an inch. 

"I am the innkeeper of The White Stag." The man answered, pride hanging in his voice. "I had this monk and a young woman just like the one you speak of stay at my inn. Said she was his daughter. Told me and my staff that he turned to serve God after losing her mother and what not." 

Lies. Lies... So sweet lies. Ulf though to himself and almost chuckled while trying to visualize the two conjuring up lies to blend in. So. You were here Jade. Trying to blend in as the monk's daughter... Sly little fox. 

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