Chapter Fifty Nine • First Meetings

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Good evening friends! The app is not working with me today either, making the entire chapter in cursive and so on... I hope it looks fine for you now, I have tried to fix it about five times by now. If anything looks weird, please comment here! 


"Go back to your homes." The guard barked at them through the gates of the castle.

"We want to see the queen!" A man close to Mikhael called out. They were standing about two rows from the ones up front at the gates.

"She has been informed of your requests." The guard replied. "Whenever she is ready to hold an audience to hear your concerns, she will send an emissary to call on those who wishes to see her." He droned on. Repeating the words he recited  each and every day from heart and soul. Speaking them with boredom and frustration in his voice. 

"We have to see her!" Another one in the small crowd shouted, their voice coming from behind Mikhael. 

The guard groaned at their unrelenting persistence. Disastrously failing in his attempt to send them away. He, and his brother's in arms, had also grown more visibly irritated for each day they had to do this, especially as it took longer and longer for them to succeed with each passing day. 

"Did you even tell her that we want to see her?" Mikhael shouted. Hiding a smirk as those around him instantly chimed in. All jumping at the chance to question the guard from a different and much more accusative angle. 

The voices of the queen's people grew into a loud murmur consisting solely of displeasure... it did not take long until it morphed into an even louder buzz. As unwilling as he was to admit it, Mikhael was losing patience, hence his decreasing efforts to stay hidden like he usually did. The small window of time he had needed in order to get to the queen had passed long ago. Having failed to get to her in time before she was walled up behind stone and blades, he was closing in on desperation to find a different route to her. 

It certainly did not help that the usurper's queen had been cooped up within the safety of her castle for over a fortnight by now... Not having set a single foot outside the castle walls for as much as a walk. 

Adding to his endless troubles, no one that was not a soldier or someone who worked at court was allowed inside the castle walls. Even though he had walked right up to the castle gates the very same day he had arrived after the queen, hoping that he could get close to her, he had not achieved even a mere glimpse of her. All he had witnessed was the commotion following her arrival. Servants and guards running around like headless chickens from not knowing what to do now that one of their rulers had returned. 

He had instead been immediately dismissed upon asking to see her, just like he and many others were being in this very moment... After his first attempt, he had nearly been chased away from the gates by guards that looked just as rattled as the others working behind the gates. He had been barked at to seek help or assistance with whatever he needed in the town center. No one was to be let in under any circumstances until the queen gave her permission. When he had objected and insisted upon seeing the queen for an urgent matter, he had learned that she was not seeing anyone at the moment. No matter how urgent it was... or whoever was requesting to see her. 

Shortly after this, remaining at the gates despite the guards' instructions, he was threatened to remove himself from the gates before he would be escorted away... with force. 

However, after having spent a couple of days in the town below castle Eldhen, Mikhael had quickly discovered that many were in need of seeing their queen. Wanting to seek her guidance and aid. Some wanted to request an audience with her to settled petty or serious disputes. All had been told to go home and wait, just like he had. 

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