Chapter Six • Painful Memories

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"Will you ever get to the part that leads to where you are now?" Brother Richard complained, displeased with how slowly Jade's story was progressing. 

They were walking in the priory's gardens, among apple trees that were not yet fully in bloom. A light rainfall drizzled down upon them but neither of them bothered pulling their hoods up to protect them from the rain. It was quite refreshing, and it kept Jade awake and alert. 

Jade gave the monk a long unimpressed look. Her eyebrows raised and a faint smile on her lips. "First of all, you said you loved stories, especially long ones." She defended herself and turned her gaze upwards. She studied the shades of grey in the clouds, varying from the lightest shade of grey to the darker shade like, that of a dark grey pigeon. In the distance she saw darker clouds approach. Another storm was coming their way and she could almost feel it in the air, thick and clammy. "Secondly, and respectfully, you do keep interrupting me, Brother." She sucked her teeth and shot him a sideway glance. Trying her very best to behave.

The monk let out an uncomfortable chuckle. "Yes, alright. I did and I do interrupt you." The monk rolled his eyes and clasped his hands behind his back before he continued talking. "But could you jump forward a little in your story? Unless you are planning to stay here for years..." He added the last part with a ray of humor in his eyes. 

"Fine." Jade laughed, but with no humor in her voice. She had slept terribly because of the memories of how she first started seeing signs of her pregnancy. It tore her up inside that she had not been able to tell William about their little one. What if she never got to see him again and he never knew that she was carrying his child? 

"Brother Richard!" Jade immediately turned at the sound of Brother Grey's sharp tone. He was rushing out from the priory and straight into the rain. Judging from his haste and the dark look in his eyes, he came bringing bad news. 

"Brother Grey." Jade's company muttered at the sight of his brother. "How can we help you?" 

"The soldiers are still at our doorstep." Brother Grey said with a cold tone which stated that Jade was the reason for it, and that he expected it to be dealt with. Urgently.

"I know." Brother Richard answered dryly. "They have been there ever since Jade came to us. Did you not know this?" He belittled his brother in his response. It was very clear that neither of them liked each other very much.

"We have to do something." Brother Grey urged. "They shot down two of our doves that were meant to be sent to-" 

"They shot down the word of our Lord?" Brother Richard interrupted him with a suddenly dark voice. It sent a shiver down Jade's spine and caused her to look at him instead of the man wanting her out of the priory. The usually so kind eyes were hard, and his face showed no trace of the gentle man who forced her into telling him every detail of her life. 

"Yes." Brother Grey breathed out, seeming relieved that he finally got a reaction. "I have tried to send word to our brethren that we have a guest, who needs assistance in leaving." His words were extremely polite, but Jade knew that her presence bothered him and he wanted her out. It annoyed her that he disliked her so without having given her an honest chance. 

"It is my fault." Jade said. "I should leave-" 

"You will not step one foot outside these walls." Brother Richard growled and then shot his brother a look. She could not decipher what the look entailed. 

"I can sneak out in the night." Jade offered when she noticed that her first offer had lit hope in the second monk's eyes. "It is alright. I have outstayed my welcome here." 

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