Chapter Fifty Three • Power or Respect

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"How many are there?" His father asked, pausing for a second and spit to his left. "And how many more are coming?" William watched his father in the corner of his eyes before looking back at the growing sea of men below them. 

They stood at a small hill, located in the western part of their camp where they had made room for the newcomers. Up until his father had spoken, they had studied the flowing current of new men in complete silence. 

William drew a deep breath, let it out and then answered. "About a hundred at first... then a hundred and fifty." William was barely able to keep his relief and satisfaction go unnoticed. He was impressed that the men below had made it to the front in such short time.  "Robert's father sent us four hundred." He then added. "They should arrive before the sun rises tomorrow, if all goes well."

"That is almost seven hundred." His father mumbled, the face of the old man not revealing a single thought of his. William could not tell if he was pleased or disgruntled. 

William knew better than to jump at the chance to ask what his father was thinking. He also did not want to seem insecure, so he remained silent and pleased with the fact that reinforcements had made it before his troops were entirely diminished. 

"What about the other lords?" His father asked, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Erik and Christian's fathers will send us men, will likely deliver them to us themselves... I have yet to hear back from home though." William replied and thought about the two men he had sent north to bring more men to battle. 

"There is room for them..." His father mumbled, the battle seasoned eyes examining what was visible of their territory. "The issue will be feeding them as time passes." 

"Yes." William agreed. "Thankfully, those who have arrived so far has brought what livestock and possessions they could spare."

His father looked at him, slight shock nesting in his eyes. "Did you ask for it?" 

"No." He answered. "I thought about it but decided against it since the war is already draining the kingdom of lives... what do they have to come home to if I demand them to bring it all here?" He argued and gestured towards the men who had come to his aid, freely. "Do you think I should have?" 

A long silent moment passed and he suddenly that his father was smiling faintly beneath his bushy beard. "I believe you are finding yourself as leader and king of your people." 


"And I am proud to stand beside you in these times, watching you make decisions that makes me proud and your people feel safe and cared for." 


It had been months since that devastating night. There had been no news of Jade's whereabouts, if she was alive or save. Nothing. Neither had anyone heard anything about how the war was going. Not one letter had reached the castle. Which had every face in it fixed in a troubled shadow of their true selves. Hearing nothing, not even a single word, was not good. It could mean everything and nothing. It could been that they were losing the war or had already lost it if fate was as cruel as it could be. The bare thought of the battle field littered with bodies, among them what had once been that sweet little blue eyed boy she had raised as her own, and so many more, often got the best of her when she laid awake in her bed. Giving her sleepless nights and restless days. 

But what had her stomach in a constant bunch of knots and deprived her from sleep most nights, was not knowing if her son was healthy and alive. The boy was loyal to a fault and would give his life to protect his queen and king. Her mind could not conjured up one thought that was better than the last one when trying to think of where her son and their queen was right now. Where they in hiding like last time? Had they crossed kingdoms in search of safety or were they no longer among the living? She did not know, and she often caught herself wishing she could not think about it, but it proved impossible. 

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