Chapter Sixty Two • Bringer of News

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**WARNING: This chapter contains the subject of child loss/ miscarriage** 

*Long chapter* 


Feeling as if she  was standing still when everything else around her came crashing down, powerless and not being able to move, Elizabeth watched as Hart tried to not lose his grasp around Jade. Finding his footing somehow, Hart lowered himself and her to the bloodied stone floor with his queen's lifeless body hanging limp in his arms. Unable to hold her, in the poor grip in which he had caught her from falling to the floor, for much longer.

It was so unreal seeing Jade in the state she was in... Her arms hung listless, her head had fallen back over his arm and her mouth was slightly agape. In addition to this was all of the blood she was drenched in... Her face, neck and bodice... It truly was the most awful and gut wrenching sight Elizabeth had ever experienced. Nothing compared to the brutality of what was happening before her. 

Hart lowered himself downwards until he stood on knee, his left arm still cradling Jade around her back, the right one held her at her waist to better steer her to where he needed her to be. His eyes were fixed on his queen's blood sprayed face as he carefully adjusted her into a half-sitting, half-lying-down position with her back supported by his leg that was not against the floor. 

First when he was sure she would not fall over did he look up to ask for help or any sort of assistance from those that were close by. "Where is that fucking doctor?!" He barked and placed his right hand against her side again. Blood seeped between his fingers. "She is bleeding to death!" 

Despite hearing those words, Elizabeth did not move. Could not. Her body would not listen to her. She felt trapped inside her own body.  Instead of doing what she really wanted to do, which was help, she felt the air in her lungs leave her as the guard's words really hit her. What they meant. That Jade was dying

Master Bergen suddenly passed her in a hurry to get to Hart. When or how he had moved she did not know. Had not even noticed it happening. However, she could have sworn that she heard him curse at the incompetence that surrounded him as he went past her. Words most likely aimed at her since he held such contempt for her. 

There is so much blood... She thought to herself. Looking on, completely mute, as Master Bergen's arms was flailing about as he was trying to help or communicate with Hart but managed to get nowhere near the queen. The guard kept him at bay and was shouting something at him. Things she did not hear for some reason.

Elizabeth's eyes moved to the assassin,a boy lying dead in a massive pool of his own blood on the floor, not too far away from Jade. She and Hart was in fact sitting in some of it but it was impossible to know how much of it was the assassin's and how much was Jade's. 

How much is actually hers? She wondered. Enough...  Get it together, Liz. You cannot just stand here! She is dying!  She spat at herself and inhaled deeply. Realizing that she had been holding her breath for a very long time. As she opened her mouth, she felt her lower lip quiver as she did. How much more until she is too far gone? Until we lose her? I have to do something. 

Within a heartbeat, the clamor and crying around her became clear and loud again. As if she was waking up from a dreadful day dream. She breathed in sharply and out swiftly and suddenly felt present again, her fingers responding to her will when she moved them. The smell of blood and death filled her nostrils. 

Elizabeth set off, running towards Hart and pushing Master Bergen out of her way as she threw herself on her knees in front of the guard as soon as she was within reach. The advisor almost stumbled down the dais and barked something at her. Ignoring him she looked straight at the guard and then down at Jade. 

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