Chapter 9

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"You guys are so mean, how can you do that to me....."

Thatch grumble seeing his brothers still ignoring him and his little brothers avoiding him.

"What's wrong Thatchy? Are you okay?" 

Luffy console Thatch when he saw the man looking sad while patting the only thing he can reach, and that is his leg.

"Luffy.....! your the only one who cares about me... your really an angel!

Thatch brighten up seeing him approach, he then carries little Luffy after saying that and hug him like a fluffy teddy bear, just as Luffy console him.

"There, there, Thatchy don't cry"

"Luffy.... you-"

The almost forgotten crew mate-Izo- abruptly cut Thatch from speaking further to Luffy.

"Shut up Thatch your being an embarrassment to us. Don't you see that a lot of people are looking at you like your some insane man?"

"What do you mean embarrassment?! Do you know what they-"

"I don't, don't care"

"And how could you call me insane i-"

"Yeah,yeah, you can't really blame them now can you? Now stop being a drama queen."

Izo Interrupted again, he might not know what happened but he can bet that it one of his shenanigans that make him look crazy, based on the reaction of others.

"Wha- how could you-?!"

"Of course I could."

"Let me finish damnit!"

"Shishishishi Thatchy is so funny"

"What happen to being my supporter Luffy?!"


Sabo just watch in amusement at the two adults that keep arguing at each other while he also notice that Luffy slip past them and went over to Ace. To bother him or to join hands with him and bother other people, who knows.

Apparently Haruta can't come with them to the island today, since he haven't finished his paperwork and Marco won't allow him to go until his done. That's why it's just Marco, Thatch, and Izo that will accompany them today.

He's really looking forward to it though.

*Meanwhile with Haruta*

"That mother hen! Even though am looking forward to tour my little brothers to the island....! just you wait I'll prank you for this!"


Well anyways there still tomorrow maybe he'll be done by then, cause Whitebeard said they well be here for 3 days.

"Alright listen up! We'll divide into 3 groups, and buy all the supplies we need after that you can explore however you want....But! You better be back before sunset, clear?"

"Yes sir"




After hearing their reply Marco then proceed to distribute their group. He also remind them to not cause trouble within the island, while instructing Izo and Thatch to look out for the kids.

"Then Sabo your with Izo"

"No promises *smirk*" "Of course, me and Sabo will be just enjoying our selves."*smile*

"Ace will be with Thatch"

" There asking for it, those asshole." Ace grumble, those bastards really deserves a beating. Just remembering it makes Ace irritated."Don't worry I got him" Noticing Ace irritation Thatch put his hand on his hair and mess it up, eliciting a reaction from him.

Looking at the 2 pair of adults and  children, Marco can't help but worry about the trouble that they will cause.*Sigh* 'well, if it came down to it then I guess I can just punish them later, especially since I got a perfect punishment for them.' Marco can't help but smirk internally.

The 4 individuals involved feel a goosebumps in the back of their neck whilst having an image in their head about an evil phoenix. But before they could ponder on it they could again heard Marco speak.

"While Little Luffy will come with me" followed by what he said, Marco then proceed to carry Luffy to his arms. "See you later" and walk away while sayang goodbye.

"See you! Ace, Sabo, Thatchy, Izo"

Looking at the bubbly child in Marco's arms looking so cute while saying to see them later they immediately forget about the bad feeling they felt earlier.

"The we should all get going to, have fun both of you. Let's go Sabo"

"See you Ace, Thatch"

Without looking back after their farewell, Sabo and Izo set course to their destination.

"What do you want to do after this Sabo?"

After walking for a while, Izo ask Sabo what he want since the things he needs to buy for his division are not that many. So they can quickly finish there business and enjoy themselves.

"I wanna go to their bookstore"

"But don't we already have lots of books at the library on the Moby? Is there a book that your particularly looking for?

"Not really, I just want to buys some notebooks and see if I can find some interesting books for Luffy."

For Sabo, and Luffy's big brother it's his job to teach Luffy about the things he needed to learn. Especially having a little brother like Luffy whose pretty new to many things.

"We really don't have that much children books on board, and I'm hoping to find some here."

That's why he need to be a dependable and responsible older brother to his cute little brother.

"Is that so.... Then we better hurry so we can look to all the places I know that sells book." Izo then patted Sabo's hair while looking at him fondly. "Oh! Good timing we've arrive. Let's go in."

Hearing Izo's respond, Sabo is excited, so he answer with enthusiasm while following behind him to the shop.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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