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"hawks! hawks! hawks!" chrissy chanted on the ice with her teammates during their warmup for the game against district five. "hawks! hawks! hawks!" it wasn't like they needed it though, district five was the worst team in the league, quite possibly the worst team in the world. "hawks! hawks! hawks!"

"hi girls!" her teammates mcgill and king teased the other team. one of the district five boy's, karp, tried hopping over the wall to get to them but his team held him back, "karp, no!"

"goodbye." the boy's smirked giving an evil smile before skating off.

"win! win! win! win! win!" the hawks chanted on the sidelines getting ready to hop on the ice. the district five kids looked a little intimidated, as they should be. the hawks were undefeated..and ruthless. the goal was always to win by any means necessary.

in the lineup, chrissy took her turn in line slapping the goalie's pads with her stick and made her way to her spot to the right of adam banks. the girl giggled slightly at the sight of charlie conway knocking his teams goalie on his butt.

"let's go, come on in." the referee announced calling everyone to their spots to begin.

"what's this? the oreo line?" king teased the other team looking over at chrissy for a laugh while she just rolled her eyes. there was no need to be racist. jesse, the boy he was teasing, quickly charged at the him but got held back by a referee, "hey, come on. let's play hockey."

once the puck dropped chrissy instantly rammed into a player knocking him on the ground, giving adam a perfect shot. the big red light turned on as the goal sound blared throughout the stadium. the girl skated over and pulled adam into a hug in celebration.

"good cover, rodgers! way to stuff it, banks!" coach reilly cheered on the kids as they skated back to the sidelines.

a few minutes further into the game chrissy knew it was her turn to score a goal. adam passed to her as she swiped quickly around another girl she knew to be as connie from her math class.

"oh, man! how could you let her get by you?" goodberg, the district five goalie, yelled at connie who just skated off in frustration.

and with that the score was already 5-0 with 6 minutes left in the first period. district five was once again getting creamed. the team as a whole was not looking so good. they were taking a lot of hits to their physical and to their pride.

at the next face off, chrissy knocked the stick right out of connie's hand. she was playing dirty, but she didn't care. she just wanted to score. mcgill and king, smashed averman right into the wall. it was clear they were just having fun beating on district five at this point.

chrissy took her chance taking her shot which of course landed since goldberg was afraid of his own shadow.

"banks! banks! banks!" the crowd roared for adam as chrissy tripped guy germaine passing the puck to him. banks took his shot scoring another point for the hawks.

towards the end of the second period, charlie conway had finally stolen the puck from the hawks, it was finally time for district five to score.

as soon as the boy was close enough to take his shot, he swung and missed falling flat on the ice slamming into the wall. chrissy used this as time to grab the puck while everyone laughed at him.

after making her shot, rodgers watched banks slam flat into conway on purpose knocking him down again after he had already gotten up. she felt kind of bad, but on the other hand the girl was always taught to win by any means necessary so she justified it.

now that the second period was over, coach was disappointed, "against this team we should have twice as many! now let's run it up! remember it's not worth winning if you can't win big!"

"come on guys, let's talk about this! be civilized please!" goldberg shouted in fear as the entire hawks team charged the goal at once knocking him down as they scored.

by endgame, the hawks had won 17-0. it was expected, of course. but seeing the zero on the board made it all the sweeter for chrissy.

as she was celebrating with her teammates, coach reilly wasn't as pleased, "knock it off, that was a lousy third period. anybody could beat these pansies. i want you guys to stay hungry out there!"

"all right, nice goin' today banks and rodgers. i think you two may have set a new hawks record." adam patted the girl on the back. she was his best friend and he was proud of her.

after the hawks dispersed, chrissy hopped back on the ice and skated over to a disappointed looking charlie conway, "nice job out there, spazway." she sneered.

" played awesome. good game." charlie kindly responded to the girl ignoring her attitude. he was the only district five member who wouldn't react to her snarky comments. the boy merely reached out his hand to shake hers. the conway boy knew how to push her buttons, and she hated it.

"hey chrissy, c'mon!" adam banks shouted from across the ice gesturing that it was time to leave.

chrissy pressed her lips together now tongue-tied, "ugh, bite me." she mumbled flipping her helmet back down, skating off leaving a small grin on charlie conway's face.

as she was skating back over to her best friend, adam caught of glimpse of charlie's facial expression and wasn't too pleased.


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