Chapter 31

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Dante's pov

After working for hours I finally decided to take a break. I closed all my files and my laptop and leaned back to my chair and closed my eyes to relax myself.


After some ten minutes of relaxing myself I opened my eyes and decided to work. When I was in the middle of my work my phone starts ringing.


Why is Martin calling me? I frowned and received his phone.

"Yes Martin" I said as soon as I answered his phone.

"Mr Knight. I wanted to inform you something" He said from the other side causing me to frown at him.

"What?" I asked him.

"Mr Knight, it's about Crystal. She was looking really sick when she came out of college. I asked her about that but she said that she was okay. And not just that, she is back in the knight mansion before her shift ends and said the same thing that she is okay but she doesn't look okay" He said to which I frowned.

"Uh.. Okay Martin. Thanks for informing me. I'll check on her" I said before disconnecting the phone.

I stood up from my place and went towards the Jenner's cabin but found him in the corridor talking with the management officer of our company. I walked to them to which they both greeted me.

"I have something to discuss with you, Jenner" I said to which they both nodded and soon the management officer went away.

"What happened to Crystal?" I asked directly without dragging the matter.

"Mr Knight?" He questioned raising his brows at me.

"You heard me, Jenner. A few minutes back Martin called me and said that Crystal was looking sick and she went back to her place before her shift. And I'm sure she must have asked you before leaving so now tell me what's wrong?" I said sternly to which he nodded a little.

"Yes Mr knight I asked her to leave because she was sick. Her stomach was aching and she was looking pale. I even asked her to visit the doctor but she didn't listen so I thought of giving her a leave. And I knew that she is your family so I wanted to inform you about her but Crystal stopped me saying that she don't want to trouble you or your family that's why I kept my mouth shut" Jenner said to which I hummed.

She's so stubborn.

I asked Jenner to leave and called her but she wasn't picking my call. Getting irritated with all these things I called my PA and informed him that I was leaving.

During the whole ride I was worried for her. I even stopped at pharmacy and bought some painkillers for her. When I finally reached my mansion, I quickly came out of my car and went inside. But all those guards were giving me curious glances. At first I was confused but soon I realised that this was the first time I have came early and that's why they were curious.

Giving them a curt look I entered inside the mansion only to see that mom and Sarah were having a small get together with some women's. Seeing me early they were shocked too.

"Oh my god Dante. You are home at this time?" Mom asked with surprise to which I smiled a little at her.

I badly wanted to ask about Crystal but stopped myself seeing the women's. They all were looking at me curiously and some of them who were around Sarah's age were even giving me seductive smiles. I internally rolled my eyes at them.

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