Chapter 47

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Crystal's pov

It has been a week since my identity is revealed and not gonna lie, this whole week was quite chaotic. Like so many things happened. Some good things and some bad things as well. My pics are now everywhere. Be it on television, newspapers or social media.

I have gotten immense amount of love from social media but at the same time I have attracted a lot of critics too. People's are continuously commenting on my features like I'm some kind of mobile phone instead of a human.

Lame joke.

Also a lot of Maddison and Dante shippers are angry with me for destroying their 'oh so precious ship'.

Oh, by the way Ashley is finally arrested now for trying to harm me. At first, she tried a lot to deny the accusations but all the proves were present neatly to unfold her truth so her lie couldn't survive and she ended up agreeing her deeds. But that wasn't the problem. The problem is that she is still not feeling guilty of her act. Instead she is feeling proud of herself that she troubled me.


Also did I mentioned this before that in social media, people's are constantly comparing me and Maddison with each other. They are pointing at each and everything. They are commenting on my choice of clothes, makeup, hairstyle, in short everything. A lot of them are comparing us for everything. Some of them are in my favour and others are in Maddison's favour.

Media people's ended up finding my true identity. The minute they realised that I was a middle class girl before marrying Dante, they started accussing me of a gold digger. Not just that, but they have problem with my age too. According to them, I'm too young to be Dante's wife. They are continuously mocking me for being nineteen whereas Dante is twenty five.

But the question here is, who asked for their opinion?

Also, the main thing, after my identity revelation they went to interview my ex boss, Andera heard, who surprisingly said everything good about me. Maybe because of my surname. They also went to interview Kate and my father, who is now out of prison. Kate stayed silent during the whole interview. But the shocking thing was that my father didn't badmouth me at all and he lied that I and Dante were dating before marriage.

At first I was confused about that but later Dante explained that my father agreed to lie about our relationship in exchange of his freedom.

And now my father and Kate has went back to their home with a promise of never troubling me again.

Other than that, my college friends are happy about me. Though some of them were angry with me for not giving them hints earlier but I somehow convinced them.

So yeah, except for few things, my life is almost on track now for which I'm quite happy.

And yes, the most important part is that tomorrow is my birthday and Dante has said that he is going to surprise me tomorrow for which I'm quite excited.

"Crystal" I heard Sarah's voice so I turned towards her.

"Ready?" She asked to which I nodded excitengly.

"Let's go then" She grinned at me.

We both walked out of mansion happily, followed by bodyguards.

Well, tomorrow is my birthday so today me and Sarah are going to pamper ourselves in spa.

Amazing, isn't it?

Dante's pov

Tomorrow's my girl's birthday.

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