Chapter 16

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The next day I am feeling much better and honestly more than ready to go back to work. I get up out of the bed Archer is letting me stay in. I go to the bathroom to use the restroom and find a work outfit already layed out for me. Layed out is a pair of black jeans and a beige sweather with little pearls on it. I put it on and slip on my convers, walking out of the room and to the kitchen. Someone is there preparing food and my nerves start to kick in. 

"Can I please just get some cut up watermellon?" I ask knowing it has the least amount of calories. 

"Of course miss." 

The person walks away and then comes back with a bowl of it. I sit down on the bar stool and start to slowly eat it. 

"Good morning Stella, I hope you got some rest last night." Archer says walking over to me and giving my forhead a kiss. 

"I did get some sleep last night thank you." I respond. 

"Good, Gloria can I get my usual please?" He asks the lady who got me the bowl of fruit. 

SHe nods her head and walks away, before quickly returning with a stack of 3 pancakes. My eyes widen and I look at them in shock. 

"Are you okay Stella?" Archer asks. 

"Yeah, those look so good." I respond licking my lips. 

"Do you want a bite? Just to try them?" He asks. 

"I contemplate it. I know how many calories are in a stack of pancakes like that and it is way more than I want. 

"How many calories?" He asks. 

"Huh?" I ask kinda confused. 

"I know you are thinking about how many calories are currently on my plate so how many are there?" He asks beink kinda blunt and it takes me by surprise. 

"Around 400." I mumble. 

He sighs clearly frustrated but not with me. "If you don't want a bite then you don't have to but I know you want to, and i am pretty sure that cup of fruit you have wont give you enough energy to walk to the car let alone last you till lunch." 

I take a big deep breath, and look at him and then the food. "Just one bite." I state. 

"Just one bite, that's it." He confirms. 

"Okay, can I cut the piece though?" I question. 

"Of course." He states handing me the fork. 

I take it and cut a small piece of the pancakes and put it to my lips opening my mouth and taking the bite into my mouth. I chew it and the flavor consumes my whole mouth. 

"mmm." I moan as the shuggery goodness flows through my tounge. 

"Good?" He asks. 

"Amaizing." i state.

"Do you want one of your own?" 

"Maybe just one pancake." 

"Okay we can do that. Gloria can you do me a favor and get me one more pancake?" 

"Of course." Gloria states walking away. 

She comes back a few minutes later with another pancake and places it in front of me. I slowly eat the pancake. Archer and I talk as we eat and it actually distracts me from thinking about how many calories I am currently eating. 

"So the invites for the party have been sent out. And I have approved all of the food and picked out a venue so we should be all good to go with that. Now its up to you to finish the rest of it." 

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