Chapter 19

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Ashers point of view

When The elevator opened and I saw the state Stella was in my heart dropped into my stomach, Worry took over and I reached for her to help but all that made her do was push her even further from me. The main person I had on her security team had called me and told me that the two people watching her no longer had eyes on her. I figured that she was in the elevator, so I went over to the elevator to grab her right as she got off but instead of finding her standing up straight ready to walk off, I find her sitting down leaning on the wall her breathing heavy, her body shaking. I did my best to help her throughout the day and she was incredibly strong but the way she demanded to continue on with the Gala worried me. I know that she doesn't want to give them any kind of satisfaction but I want to make sure that she is okay mentally and what she has experienced over the last 24 hours is not something she should just shrug off.

Holding her tight in my arms as she sleeps, I take a deep breath wanting to hold onto this moment for as long as I can. I havent exactly had the best luck with women. Most Women I have previously been with just wanted me for my money. But Stella she doesnt care about that. She doesnt want My money, She simply just wants time with me, to get to know me. And that makes her so much more attractive in my opinion. I give her a kiss on the top of her head and close my eyes letting the moment sink in. Before I know it my eyes are closing and I slowly loose consiousness.

I wake up to the shound of whining and look over at the girl in my arms finding the whining coming from her. I look at the clock and its almost 7am. I try to shake her awake and when I am finally sucessful in doing so she turns to me and I find she has tears coming down her face.

"Are you okay?" I question pointing to her tears.

She whipes them away and shankes her head. "Yeah I'm fine just a bad dream is all."

"Okay, can I do anything to help?" I question.

"No, She looks over at the clock. I should go and check out the Venue, make sure that everything is running smoothly." She says deflacting for what she really wanted to say.

"Are you sure? You can take the day off and go tomorrow to finalize everything before the Gala."

"It's okay, I need to get up and do something. I can't just sit here and let my thoughts take over." She states kinda harsh.

"Okay. I have a few meetings today but I can stop by the venue later as well see how it looks." I suggest.

"Yeah that sounds good." She says getting up and out of the bed and walking out the door without another word.

I sit there staring at the door confused. I decide to push any thoughts about that to the side. I take a quick shower and get dressed in a navel suit. I go to check on Stella but found she had already left. I get in the car deciding to drive myself this morning. I drive with the music in the car low, I have a lot of stuff to do in the office today and I am most definatly not looking firawrd to it. I have let some aspects of my job and buisness slip since ive met Stella. I have had questions raised and that one person who brought up one of those consernes in front of others within the office has caused a lot of hesitations from some of the companies suportting the buisness so the majority of the meetings I have today are to ease some of those minds. When I get to the building I automatically go into the confrance room where Weston is already waiting for me.

I roll my eyes. Please tell me my assistant hasnt put you as my babysitter for the day." I sigh.

"This isn't just something you can push aside, the yelling was heard a whole floor down and you fired someone who has been here long before you became CEO. It raised some red flags Archer." Weston reasons.

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