Chapter 9

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Asher's Point of view

Stella fell asleep about an hour ago. I have been answering emails and taking phone calls in the time being and when I am done I slowly move her so she is laying on the couch by her self a pillow holding her head up. I stand up and make my way up the stairs and take a quick shower. I let all of the stress of the day run off my back along with the droplets of water. A knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts. 

"Yes!" I yell turning the shower off. 

"Did you want anything specific for dinner?" one of my maids asks.

"WHatever tonigth make sure to make enough for Stella." I say.

It is quiet once again and I dry off. I throw on a pair pf boxers and my black adiddas sweatpats and a plain white t-shirt. I dry my hair off with the towel and then make my way to my office to answer a few more emails. After about an hour I hear a knock on the door and I turn my computer screen off and make my way towards the door. my maid is there.

"Sir dinner is ready." She says.

"Thank you I will be there momentarily." I say.

She bows her haid in respect and I go over and shake Stella awake. She sits strait up and looks around the room her eyes holding frea and panic. 

"Hey it's okay I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready." I say. 

"Oh okay She says. I am going to go freshin up really quick." She says standing up. 

I nod my head and she walks off. My phone goes off and I see it is Weston. 

"Hey man what's up?" I ask.

"I just sent you an email and you might want to take a look at it. " He says sounding rather stressed.

"Okay what is it about?" I question.

"So you know how I said I would have my guy look into Stella's past?" he asks.

"Yeah." I say rather confused.

"Well i had them look into it and he found something." He says.

I walk into my office really quick and pull up my email. I open his email.

"Holy crap." I say as I stare at the screem

"I know man. What the heck happened to her?" He asks.

"I dont have any clue but I intend to find out." I say.

"Okay I will call you back if I find out anything just let me know if he finds anything else." I say. 

"Will do. night man."

"Night." I say.

I hang up at the screen which holds Stella sitting in a chair her face bruised and her lip split. She looks scared and confused and tired. Whoever did this is a monster. 

"What happened to you Stella." I mumble. I stand up and make my way to the kitchen where Stella is sitting. 

"How was your nap?" I ask.

"It was good." she says.

 i nod my head and start to dig in. I look up after a few seconds of stuffing my face and see Stella playing around with her food. 

"Not hungry?" I ask.

"No I had a really big lunch." She says.

I nod my head. Well if you would like I can have someone draw you a bath and you can go relax." I say.

She nods her head and excuses her from the table. She walks away and I look at her skeptically. 

I call my cook over to clear stellas spot.

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