Chapter 15

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Paige Pov:

"What movie are we watching?" Elli asks.

"I don't know, can we watch Criminal Minds?" I ask, wrapping my arms around her waist.

She wraps her arms around my neck, and presses a kiss to my lips. "Again," She whines, resting her head on my shoulder.

I pout. "What do you mean?"

"We watch it all the time, we even finished it!" She says, chuckling

"But it's a good show!" I pout my lip out like a child.

She sighs and rolls her eyes playfully, "Alright we can watch it?"

I picked her up, peppering kisses all over her face as a thank you. She giggles cupping my cheeks.

"Your cute" She says

I kiss her passionately, she wraps her legs around my waist, and plays with the baby hairs on my neck. I grip her hips a little harder which makes her moan into my mouth. I smile at the interaction.

She eventually pulls away and escapes from my arms. She sits on my bed and lays the spot next to her. I immediately sat down, laying down, pulling her down with me. She giggles at my movements and plays with my hair as I rest my head on her chest with arm wrapped around her waist.

We ended up watching about 5 episodes of Criminal Minds. We stole kisses from each other and just enjoyed the moment we had with each other. Eventually we both ended up falling asleep.
I woke up with Elli in my arms. I stared at her admiring her facial features. Her brown eyes were the best part of her face and it just tied well with her smile. I move my fingers through her hair. I smile looking down at her, she was truly the most precious person i've ever known.

"Do I have something on my face?" She asks, stirring awake.

"Other than beauty, no nothing" I say, kissing her forehead.

She smiles and snuggles her head into the crook of my neck. She wraps one of her arms around my chest, and closes her eyes. "What time is it?" She asks

"It's 9." I reply

"Are we doing anything today?" She asks, lifting her head up from my neck and looking at me.

"Nothing really, do you have to go anywhere?" I ask

She thinks for a moment before her face scrunches up, as if she tempered something. "Yeah, Coach said to meet her up at the facility because we have some new gear she wants to hand out." She explains

"Oh that sounds cool," I say smiling

"Yeah it is, wanna go with me?" She asks with a cute pleading face plastered on her.

"Yeah, I'd love to," I reply smiling.

Elli gets up from bed and heads towards her closet and picks out some gray sweatpants with a white crop top with a gray and white plaid collared buttoned up shirt to go over it. She puts in some white socks and her white air forces to go with the outfit. She put her hair into some long french braid to go with her outfit.

It was a simple outfit but she made it look good, like really good. She looked pretty.

She turns around to look at me. "Your clothes are over here" She says pointing to the left side of her closet, which has some of my clothes that i left just in case she wanted to use them or if I happened to stay over.

I walked over to the closet and picked out some black nike sweatpants with a white uconn shirt and a hoodie to go over it. I combed my hair and left it down.

By the time I finished changing Elli had made the both of us breakfast. She made us some eggs with some eggos waffles and some berries on the side. She also poured two cups of orange juice.

"This looks delicious, thank you," I say, kissing her cheek, sitting down at the island.

"Your welcome," She smiles

"I smell food! Elli did you make me some?" Issy says, appearing out of the corner, making her way to the kitchen, dressed in sweatpants a white shirt and a zip up sweatshirt to go over it.

"Always!" Elli smiled sliding a plate, next to the chair she was sitting in.

"This is why I love you," She says smiling.

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend! I'm sitting right here," I say laughing a bit.

"Sorry Paige, didn't see you, but your girlfriend's brilliant, i tell you!" She exclaimed, slapping my shoulder playfully

"Oh I'm aware." I reply smiling at her as she rolls her eyes at the two of us.

"Shut up the both of you!" She laughs, shaking her head as she sits done next to me.

"I'm sorry" I pout resting my head on her shoulder.

"Yeah i'm sorry" Issy says resting her head in Ellis other shoulder.

"You two are such children" She laughs.

"You love me tho" I say smugly

"That i do" She reply's

"Hey!" Issy exclaims. "No flirting! I'm sitting right here!" Issy says making a disgusted face, picking her head up from Ellis shoulder.

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