Chapter 19

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Olivias POV

When Drew walked out of my classroom everything in my body told me to run after her. Everything in my brain told me not to.

I was so rattled by this confrontation going on inside of me that I sat down at the desk closest to me and started crying. It took my entire lunch hour to make it stop.

I want Drew with everything in me. It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest every step I let her take away from me.

There is only one solid fact about the situation and that is, I can't have Drew.

I finished the rest of the school day daze. I didn't even realize I had driven home until I pulled into my apartment parking lot.

I got into my home and sat on the couch to ponder my thoughts.

I know how Drew is with girls though. I remember what Alison said. They were "occasional fuck buddies." How many "fuck buddies does she have. Does drew even want me like I want her? Maybe the tension she feels has no feelings involve just sex? She wants to have sex with me and that's it.

Maybe the fact that she cant have me is what's driving her wild?

My phone suddenly buzzed pulling thought frenzy.

I looked at it hoping it would be from a certain gorgeous brunette. No no. We need to forget about this girl!

A message from Rory popped up. I sighed dropping my hand with the phone. Why would Drew have messaged me? She literally ran away from me earlier.

I looked at the message.

~how was work today?~

I thought for a moment.

~actually today was pretty awful.~

~my day was pretty much dog shit too. What happened? Weird teenagers get too horny from looking at ya ;)~

I laughed for the first time today.

How was I going to reply to this one. Do I tell this random internet stranger about my massive crush on a tea age student of mine? 

I decided on no.

~no weirdo. Just some love life drama.why was your day 🐕💩?~

~I thought we were supposed to tell each other the drama babe. Isn't that the whole arrangement? My day sucked because I broke glass in a gas station and had to pay for it.~

She sent me a picture of a shattered shot glass.

~all you need to know about my love life is there's a CRAZY ex and~ I stopped and thought for a moment before I continued. What was Drew? ~ a impossible future............... Sorry about your gas station catastrophe.~

Drew was my impossible future.

~that's so cryptic. I hate it.~

I sighed.

~there's a girl that~I'll just leave out the teacher student part~ I dance with. We have to be really intimate during our routine. Lines get blurred sometimes. There's a no dating policy so we can't do the things we want to do.~

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