Chapter 35

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Drews POV:

After that opening night the rest of the shows went great. I guess Mrs. Redford asked a talent agent to come to one of our shows because after the last one he pulled Jason, Dani, Julie and I assure.

"Listen kids." The man said smiling at us backstage. "Rarely do I do this but I'd like to offer you guys a roll in a show in Chicago." I gasped. I never saw myself as an actor I just thought this was a fun distraction. "I've never seen so much talent come from one school how many plays have you been in besides this one?"

"None" Julie, Dani and I said at the same time. Jason said "16" at the same time.

"None!" He basically yelled back at us. "That's insane. I've been in plays my whole life and I've never delivered a line the way you can" he directed at me.

"Wow...... uh..... Thank you."

"Listen guys. Here's my card" he handed us each a business card. "I'd love it if you could come to Chicago I'll give you a tour of the theater and take you to dinner."

"Thank you!" Dani said still shocked at this whole ordeal.

The man walked away and we all looked at each other.

"Did that just happen?" Julie asked?

"I think so." Dani said.

"This is the best day of my life." Justin said.

"It is pretty cool" I nodded.

After that night the 4 of us talked about going to Chicago together after graduation. Jason became a regular part of our friend group after the show ended.

We all spent a lot of time at what now has become Dani and I's apartment. He still hadn't spoken to his father since February.

I can honestly say them being there all the time has made me feel better and less lonely. But it still doesn't fill the hole in my heart that has been there since Olivia left me.

I think about her at least 20 times a day. I have seen her around school but she avoids eye contact and doesn't say anything to my friend group. It hurts boing she wants nothing to do with me but at least she's safe.

It's the last day of school for the seniors and graduation is tonight.

Classes ended at noon and we are all on the football field signing year books.

Alison grabbed my shoulder.

"Let's go to the teachers table and get our books signed." She said pulling me towards them.

"Uhhh... okay." I said. I didn't really want to go anywhere near there but I didn't want to make Alison suspicious of why.

We walked along the table signing teachers books while they sign ours until we got to Olivia.

"Hi Miss Wells. Can you sign my book?"

"Hello Alison." The beautiful voice I hadn't heard in a month said. I almost melted hearing it. "I can sign your book but you weren't in any of my classes." She laughed a little.

Alison shrugged and smiled "well we have a common friend. Food." She smiled and Olivia laughed at her. I almost fainted. I missed her laugh.

I stood there awkwardly while they traded books. When they finished they gave each others books back and Alison slid forward to the next person.

Olivia looked at me and held her hand out for my book.

"You don't have to sign it. I don't think I could bear seeing a "Have a great Life" from you." I said quietly then moved to walk away.

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