Chapter 27

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Drews POV:

Saturday went by smoothly and I only left my dressing room at the club for my solo and trios dance. I managed to avoid Olivia completely.

On Sunday I ubered to the club around 7:30 because my car wouldn't be out of the shop till next weekend. My face was looking a lot better now and I only had a little cut on my forehead to remind me of the accident.

I walked into the club.

"Hey do you think Olivia would give me her number if I asked?" Luke said as I walked by.

I turned around quickly and looked at him.

"Uh..... I don't think so. You don't want it anyways she's kinda bitchy."

"Bitchy doesn't matter to me. She's way too hot not to try." I cringed a little. I had the sudden urge to punch Luke in the face.

"Whatever Luke." I turned around before I got irrational.

I angrily stomped to my dressing room and got ready. I was angry that he could ask for her number. I was angry Olivia wasn't mine.

I did my makeup with dark tones. I was not feeling very colorful after talking to Luke. I Chose a simple plain black bra and matching Underwear. I put on a pair of black heals that had a string that I wrapped up to my thigh and a pair of black gloves that went past my elbows. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked hot and intense. It was like I walked out of the Spencer's sexy section. I knew I was gonna make a lot of money tonight.

I scooped my curly hair over my left shoulder then a knock came on my door.

"Come in" I yelled.

"Hey kid........woah...... you look great." Sandra grinned at me. "You know what would complete the look?"


Sandra ran out of the room and came back 30 seconds later with small red Devil horns.

"Oh yes." I said grabbing them from her and putting them in my hair. "You're a genius Sandra."

"I know, I know. Anyways I need you to fill in for Iliza next week she's taking some
Personal days. I figured since you don't have a Duo anymore you can fill in and dance with Peach." She said.

"Yeah no problem. What ever you need."

"Right now I need you to dance your ass off because that outfit is gonna make
Us both rich."

I laughed as Sandra walked as she left the room.

I avoided leaving my room till it was my turn to dance. I didn't want to see Olivia in fear of being mean to her for no reason since Luke asked me about her.

When it was my time to dance I left my dressing room and walked to the side of the stage.

There the blonde goddess was having a conversation with another one of the dancers. I was walking past them when I caught Olivias eyes. She stopped talking and just stared at me. I watched her eyes slowly scan my entire body then come back up to meet mine with a piercing gaze.

Oh she liked my outfit too.

I gave her a small grin and kept walking knowing she was staring at my ass as I walked away from her.

I'll make her regret friend zoning me after tonight.


Olivias POV:

When Drew walked by me I had this sudden desire to pull her back to my dressing room and do nasty naughty things to her. I resisted and stared at her ass as she continued walking.

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