Chapter 29

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Olivias POV:

I know Drew wants to be with me. I know I want to be with Drew. I also know that the Teachers handbook definitely doesn't want me to be with Drew.

Sometimes I don't think she understands that I'm a real teacher with responsibilities. To be honest I have never seen Drew as a student. But that doesn't change the fact that she is.

When she walked out of my classroom yesterday she basically said she's not gonna wait around for me anymore. A part of me broke at this realization. The other part of me said it was a good thing. Maybe if I saw her moving on I'd be able to give myself permission to let her go.

The thought of Drew not wanting me anymore almost brought me to tears.

But that's what she was talking about. This hot and cold going on in my brain. This war inside me. I want Drew to be happy. I also don't want her to be happy with anyone else. I know it's a mess.

I think I can be her friend. I can be supportive. I can watch her be with someone else. I can.......... Keep lying to myself.

I pulled into the club parking lot getting ready for dance practice.

I avoided Luke's eyes as I walked into the club not wanting to have a conversation about why I hadn't text him back. He was a sweet guy. If Drew had never happened to me I'd probably have text him back already. But Drew had happened to me. How could I have eyes for anyone else when I had already found the perfect girl. She's beautiful, smart, hilarious, sexy, great kisser, oh my god the best kisser, the list can go on and on.

I set my bag down in the practice area and looked around.

Drew was in a corner talking to a pretty Brunette. It was a dancer I hadn't introduced myself to yet. Drew had just said something that made the girl laugh and then the the dancer put her hand up and pushed a hair behind Drews ear.

Oh god this was it. Drew said she was done waiting.

I have to let her right? I have to let her be free.

As if Drew felt me looking at her, she turned her head and looked straight at me. For a moment Her smiled faded a little and her eyes flashed with sadness. She quickly averted her eyes and looked back at the girl.

The way she looked at me just now made me want to go over there and pull her into me and never let her go. I never want to see her sad. Knowing I'm the cause of that sadness is killing me. I turned away from the two women and began stretching.

It's too dangerous to be with Drew. You could go to prison. She Lied to you.

I kept repeating this in my head but it didn't work. All of those things were starting to seem inferior to the thought of Drew with someone else.

I practiced my two solo dances a few times. I kept glancing over at Drew and the dancer. The girl was showing Drew a dance routine and it was hard to not keep looking at them.

Did Drew get a new duo after all?

I watched them continue to do erotic moves with each other and laugh when one of them messed something up.

That should be me dancing with her. That should be me making her laugh. I felt the jealousy ripping threw my body but I controlled it. I won't hurt Drew anymore. I finished up practice and started packing up my things. Most people had left already. Drew and the girl had just finished for the day as well. There were a few dancers still working so I went to leave.

It was snowing when I got outside. I love the snow. But I'd rather not drive in it. I got into my car and my phone rang. I started the car and answered it without looking who it was.

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