14- Throne Without Faith (2)

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I successfully place the damp cloth on her head. This is stupid but if Alma says it'll work then...

I pick up the bowl of soup in my hand and bring the spoon to her lips but she presses her lips together. I curse under my breath. This girl is infuriating. I hear her mumble something like...

'leave me alone...i can take care of myself. I've done it before'

"Listen, you need to eat this. You need to get better"

I try again but she refuses to eat. I feel myself snap, I drop the bowl on the table. I grab her shoulders.

"You are going to eat whether you like it or not. You can hate me all you want later but for now, let me feed you!"

"No" is all she says.

I sigh.

"Daphne, if you want to get angry then at least do it when you're better"

My face etches in worry, I can see how fragile and weak she looks like she could die any moment. I admit I was a jerk...

I pull her towards me, enveloping her in a hug. I feel her shiver against me and I hug her tighter, hoping I am offering her some form of comfort.

"Daphne, I admit I was a jerk. And you were right, I should've stayed locked up in the cage. I deserve it. I shouldn't have made a promise to you and proceeded to try to break it. My father riled me up and I let him. I'm sorry. I am so sorry. Now, please, eat the soup."

When I feed her the soup next, she doesn't refuse and I sigh in relief. I am not going to put my faith in the soup alone, I bite down on my wrist and add my blood to her soup bowl.



"You mixed your blood in the soup, didn't you?" I question, watching him as he places another white cloth over my head.

"Of course, I couldn't trust the cloth and soup" he mutters.

I smile softly, he actually took care of me and he apologized. Hugged me, even. It was comforting.

"Thank you for taking care of me" I mumble. He runs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"This is the part where you say you're welcome" I utter. He chuckles softly.

"You definitely are cured"

I laugh softly.

"Why did you stay with me?"

I mean I basically insulted him right before banging the door in his face and I don't exactly remember what I said to him while I was asleep but I know he apologized and I'm pretty sure I pushed him away. Yet, he's here.

Maybe he's here because I freed him.

"No one deserves to be alone when they're sick" he murmurs. Why does it feel like there's a deeper meaning?

"When I tried to feed you earlier, you mentioned something like you didn't need my help and you've taken care of yourself before...was it when your parents died?"

Did I say that? I don't want to tell him...I don't but something about the way he's looking at me. Like I'm important. Or maybe it's my imagination.

"Yeah, but... before that...my parents were never really there. They always had work or something to attend to." I say.

"What about you?" I ask.

"What about me?"

Hmm...I think. What can I ask him? Let's start easy.

"How did you find Kaida?"

"I was in the human realm for something important and I sensed blood, then I heard her cry. I got there and the car was toppled, her mother was dead. A broken neck. Her father probably broke his spine and she was crying. She was stuck in the car. So, I saved her"

I can't believe she lost her parents at such a young age and to a terrible accident. She might have died if he hadn't saved her. I wonder why he brought her here.

"Why did you bring her here?" I question.

"She held my finger, she wouldn't let go"

I smile softly, she was four and lost her parents, she must have wanted someone to hold on to. Someone to cling to. She must not have wanted to be alone. She is lucky. She had Dagon. When my parents passed, I had no one. Just loneliness and the cold.

"Your eyes"

I look up at him. What?

"They're beautiful and eyes like that shouldn't shed tears"

I stare at him with no words. I feel a tear on my cheek. Oh, I was crying? Jeez, this is humiliating. I can't...do this now.

I want to ask him to leave. I do but I'm tired. I'm tired of everything. This is literally the first time someone took care of me when I was sick and it feels so strange yet so comforting.

"You should rest" he says, standing up.

"Wait" He stops moving. "I..."

Just tell him you want him to stay, Daphne.

Tell him you're comfortable with him around.

"Nevermind" I smile or at least try to. Hopefully, it didn't come out as pathetic as I feel.


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