15- Fifty Shades Of Your Blood (1)

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Another ball.

This time is different though, I am dressed in a white satin ball gown. One that in my opinion shows off a lot of back skin. In fact, not just me but everyone is dressed in white. It's meant to symbolize peace. Something the King feels strongly about.

I feel someone beside me and I crane my neck to see Dagon in a white tux. He almost looks like a saint. Almost. His styled yet messy hair gives him a rebellious look. A contrast from the impression he's giving wearing white. He looks at me with those icy blue eyes of his and I sigh. Wait. What is wrong with me?

Looking away from him, I watch Alma and Nikola twirling on the dance floor. They look good together, clad in white. I feel like I'm being watched, looking around my eyes land on Marilla who's not just staring at me but glaring at me. I furrow my brows.

Why? Because of Dagon? Because I'm standing next to him? Sahar mentioned that Marilla is Dagon's girlfriend or something like that. I need to remember that the next time I find his presence comforting. In a bid to lighten the mood, I speak.

"Trouble in paradise?" After all, why isn't he standing with her?

"What?" His clueless eyes bore into mine.

"Your girlfriend is literally about the string my head" I say. Well, Marilla's lucky. Dagon may be an ass sometimes but he took care of me. He apologized. He saved me. He looks at me like I matter to him. And in this unfamiliar room, him standing next to me offers so much comfort.


I press my lips in a thin line, okay him playing dumb isn't funny.

"Dagon, I mean Marilla. Who else would I be talking about?"

"She's not my girlfriend"


"You broke up?" I'm not sure why I'm pressing for answers but I just want to know.

"I'm not sure how any of this concerns you"

"Oh, come on, aren't we friends? Tell me, hmm?" I nudge his arm playfully and I hear him sigh.


"We weren't together."

Hmm...but I'm pretty sure Sahar hinted that they slept together.

"Friends with benefits then?"

He doesn't answer me, he looks deep in thought. What is he doing? Reminiscing his time in bed with her? Wait, why did I think of that? Ugh! Dagon is-

I'm jerked forward suddenly and Dagon starts pulling me towards the dance floor. My eyes widen in horror.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to confirm something"

"No...no...Dagon, I can't dance" I say between gritted teeth. Everyone stops dancing and leaves the floor, leaving only Dagon and me on the dance floor.

I gulp, pressing my lips firmly together. I am done for.

"Don't look so nervous, they only left as a sign of respect for me. When we start dancing, they'll resume dancing"

"I don't care...I can't dance and I'm not-"

His hands circle my waist shutting me up.

"Look at me"

Like something hard-wired, my eyes look at him.

"Just keep looking at me and relax"

Okay, I will knee him in the balls after this.

Sighing, I relax. He places one of his arms on his shoulder and the other in his hand. His hand tightens around my waist and I release a breath.

He leads and I follow, soon we're dancing and everyone resumes dancing.

"Dagon, if I trip I swear-"

"I won't let you" he murmurs. What?

Why did he say it like that? He twirls me before pulling me back against him bringing our faces closer. My brown eyes remain on his immersive ice-blue eyes, I can catch his scent. Spices and wood. It makes me want to groan in delight.

I feel his arms on my waist and my arms subconsciously rest around his neck. We sway a bit, still maintaining eye contact. My heart races, threatening to jump out. And my breathing, it's become forced. What is happening? He leans in...closer...closer and my gaze wavers as if I'm in a daze. I gasp when I feel his lips...soft against my jaw. They linger...

I release a deep breath, the room is stuffy I really can't...

I step back, catching my breath. This is insane. My eyes find the exit and I weave my way through vampires dancing and feeding.

When I reach the doors, I hurry outside towards the garden. I need to breathe. Okay, what was that? Why did he kiss my jaw? That action literally lit me on fire. And I can still feel the after-effects.

I turn around and he's walking towards me.

"Remember what happened the last time you came out by yourself?" He says

Ugh! Why does he care? Why did he save me? Why did he let go of his pride and apologize? Why did he take care of me? Why did he dance with me? Why did he kiss my jaw?

It's making me go crazy...I can't think properly. Do I ...? No. No.

I need to confirm something. With that, without another thought, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. I feel his entire body freeze, then he kisses me back. My arms subconsciously circle his frame, pulling him closer. He smelled like spices, wood...earth and tasted like mint. An addictive taste. My body shivers when his arms circle my waist pressing me against him. The kiss has moved from gentle to hot and intense and it's making my insides burn.

We pull apart, our heads touching and our breaths ragged.


I needed to confirm what Marilla said and that is why I danced with her but...I couldn't stop myself. Her eyes, her beauty, her soft body, and her small waist against me lured me and I kissed her jaw.

Did I upset her? Why do I care? I groan lightly as I watch her leave the ballroom. She can't be alone. Not now. Not after what happened last time.

When I follow her out, I see her pacing in the garden. She looks breathtaking in that dress and her hair...it falls down her shoulders in wet loose waves. How she managed to make it look wet is a mystery. I start walking toward her and she turns to face me.

Caught in her stare, I blabber the first thing that comes to my mind.

"Remember what happened the last time you came out by yourself?"

I see her brows fold and unfold. She is probably as confused as I am because I don't know what happened in there. I should apologize... probably. Shit. I don't know. I just-

She walks towards me and kisses me knocking every thought out of my head. I freeze but quickly regain myself by kissing her back. I feel my brows crease, what is this taste? She tastes like cherry. I love cherry. And her scent, like roses. I feel her arms around me, pulling me closer. I grip her waist tightly... like she would disappear if I don't hold her. Taking, the lead, my tongue slides into her mouth devouring and claiming without remorse.

When we pull apart, she places her head against mine leaning into me. Like she needs to recover.

I sigh, reminiscing on how good her lips felt against mine, how soft her lips were, how good she tasted. I press my eyes together, fighting the desire to kiss her again.

I am winning the fight...then...just then her eyes peel open and as soon as I see her dazed brown eyes, my strings snap.

I claim her lips again, this time more urgently.


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