Losing You

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I gave the omnibus conductor his two-dollar fee. Thanking the stars that I opted for the plane ride back to mainland. The ride home was bumpy and almost had me throwing up on the other passengers. The driver was an insane speed demon who did not care much for the potholes and sharp corners. I kept on thinking we would crash and with his need for speed I was not far off. I would have preferred to drive my own car home but it seems like my other half has forgotten that I was returning home today.

Well, it was not all his fault. I was supposed to arrive five hours from now but just thinking about stepping onto a boat made me sick and I preferred keeping my stomach contents in my stomach. Besides that, we could have run into a freak storm and ended up at the bottom of the ocean. I suffer from mental paranoia. I keep thinking that everywhere I go and everything I do something terrible could happen. It was nine out of ten impossible most of the time but there was always a possibility.

I stepped into the yard that I have missed for the past two months, bustling to get out of the sun. It was so hot I felt like I was walking in an oven. I was so used to the air conditioning at work. I even had one in my apartment which made being outside like this feel like a bloody heatwave when it was practically a normal sunny day.

The front door was open. I could bet my last dollar that he was inside sleeping or wasting his life watching football, as usual. A rush of excitement hit me, in a few seconds I would walk in and surprise the daylights out of him.

I walked up the steps and heard him laughing. His voice made me smile and feel all mushy, it was so soothing to hear it in person again. I missed him so much. I almost quit my job when I found out we would be apart for so long. One night without him was too much. I might have to pack him in my suitcase when I have to leave again. Scratch that I will pack him in my suitcase.

I had something very important to tell him. I could picture the look on his face when I told him. He was going to be ecstatic, I could feel it.

I reached my hand out to pull across the curtain but a second voice made me stop. Let the voice I just heard not belong to a woman. I froze. To listen. To be sure.

She giggled. I knew he had female friends. I knew all of his female friends but this one, I could not place her voice. This one was new. A chill ran down my spine. No, don't be silly Jas of course you know her. I blinked away the rising suspicion. This is not that.

"Come here, baby." He said.

Everything stopped. For a split second, I hoped that statement was directed at me but I do not live for foolish hope. There was no way he could see me out here. This was that as along.

She giggled again. "What for?"

It got quiet after that I could only guess what was happening until the smacking sounds that followed confirmed my assumption. No, not to me.

I stepped inside. There he was, with some woman in his arms, lips locked, oblivious to my presence, with my heart at the bottom of their feet being crushed to pieces. This was what it felt like to have the wind knocked out of you huh?

I gritted my teeth and stepped forward. Time to put a stop to this. "Is this what you always do?" Pain and anger surged through me. How could he do this to me?

They pulled apart and looked at me. His face went rigid. There is nothing I preferred more than walking into my house and finding some skank all over my husband.

"Baby, who is that?" She asked in disgust.

I smiled at that. He just stood there. There was no way he could react to this. No lie for him to cover with. He was caught with his dirty fingers in the cookie jar.

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