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I woke up around midday. Or maybe it was three in the afternoon. The days and time just seemed to mesh together, like potatoes. Mmm, I could sure do with some mashed potatoes right about now all mashed up with some butter and milk with a side of baked chicken. Yummy.

Anyways I was enjoying my nap until all the ruckus Jasmyne was making in the kitchen woke me out of my comatose like sleep. Apart from the sweet tooth, my little one loved to make mommy sleep a lot.

Jasmyne could never be quiet in the kitchen, you would swear it was a burglar if you did not know any better. I rolled over and covered my head with a pillow. A sudden thud and shatter had me up instantly. No wonder she was always buying new plates. What in the world was my crazy sister up to? I got up preparing to give her a worded speech on why she should keep out of the kitchen especially during my sleeping hours.

"Jasm......" I was cut off as two large hands wrapped around my throat, they wasted no time in choking me. I start twisting my body and trashing my arms.

"Keep still you bitch!" My captor yelled. Damn his voice was as loud as thunder. "Damn it, I thought you said no one was here." He grunted.

"Amma kill you if I have to." He spat into my ear. I stilled as he tightened his chokehold.

"What the fuck..Steven stop! she pregnant bro." Exclaimed the one named Steven's accomplice.

"So?" Steven muttered.

"Damn it, just tie her to a chair." He ordered.

Steven shoved me and I stumbled forward bashing the left side of my head on the island counter. I fell backwards blinded by pain. Something wet slid down my face, blood. Oh dear, I was bleeding.

"You know what lemme do it."

I felt my body get dragged in a somewhat gentle manner across the kitchen floor. Then I was lifted and placed into one of the dining chairs. He looked at me and by the light of the sun, I saw concern in his eyes. He blinked then proceeded to tie each of my arms and legs.

"Sorry bout all this."

I stared at him what kind of criminal apologizes to their hostage? Why was he so nice?

"Why don't you take her home and marry her for fuck's sake, Roy!" Steven yelled and started smashing the cupboard doors. I jumped each time he hit one.

"Knock it off and get what we came here for!" Roy moved toward him.

I groaned as a sharp pain tore through my stomach. Something did not feel right. The pain began spreading across my stomach. Memories of the car crash rushed back to surface. I fought back the tears but the pain, it just kept getting worse. My baby was in trouble. Not again, please. I did everything possible to protect this one.

These people whoever they were could not just waltz in and take my other baby away from me to. No. No. No. Why, why, why?

"She's seen our faces. We have to kill her." Stated Steven.

"What the hell is wrong with you man?" Roy spat.

"Me? What the hell is wrong with you... I'm not going to jail all because you went soft on a fat broad. You need to get your shit together Roy!"

This was it. The lives of me and my baby were in the hands of a petty thief named Steven. Maybe if I swore not to tell the police anything he would let me off the hook. That is unlikely as soon as I was safe again I would surly rat them out and I am pretty sure Steven already sensed that.

Why did I always find myself stuck in these situations? why was I such a magnet for them? Why was life so against me having a baby of my own? Was I no longer destined to be happy? The pains doubled and spread to my back. Please don't take my baby lord. I will give my life to my child. Please. Let my baby live.

"Steve stop tripping man. We ain't no damn killers bro."

Even though they were criminals I was a little thankful for Roy. However wrong it was. He may be a criminal but at least he had somewhat of a heart for pregnant women.

"Get out of my way Roy!" Barked Steven.

"Let's get outta here."

They started grunting and it becomes what sounded like a scuffle than a loud bang. Silence followed afterwards. I closed my eyes.

A sharp pain had me yelling out loud. I sucked in some air and the pain returned. The tears escaped. I could no longer hear Roy or Steven. They left. Thank goodness but I was still tied up. If Roy were still here he would help me. What am I saying? I am glad that he and pig Steven were gone now.

I screamed with the next eruption of pains. It was stronger and lasted longer. Dear heavens please tell me these were not bloody contractions! I still had four and a half weeks left.

My body began to shiver. This was the end. Surviving the car crash was luck. This, well there was no chance of surviving this not as long as I was tied to the chair.

Jasmyne I am sorry...wait, where the heck is Jasmyne? She had a bloody day off today. Wait a second. At some point earlier I recalled her mumbling something about going somewhere but I was too caught up in sleeping to pay attention. What did she say?

Dear heavens she went to town. How could I have let that slip my mind? A lot could happen between now and then. I would try loosening myself but the pain coursing through me was making my limbs weak. My eyes felt heavy. I needed help. I needed to sleep. This was bad. I had to stay awake. Stay awa...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know what you are thinking, Just when things were finally becoming normal for Jasarie this goes and happens. Poor Jasarie, stay tuned to find out were this detour takes Jasarie, Kyron and their little one.

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