In your arms

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Five years later...

Soft kisses trailing across my cheek woke me up. "Time to wake up, sleeping beauty." I smiled and opened my eyes. He smiled back at me. Damn, he was handsome.

I yawned. "What time is it?"

He pushed some stray hairs out of my face. "It's almost ten o'clock."

What the heck? I did not expect to fall asleep for so long. I had not expected to fall asleep at all."Oh dear, I didn't make dinner," I replied getting up.

He held onto my shoulders and pulled me down onto the couch. "Babe, calm down. Its okay.""I was so tired I...." His lips cut me off mid-sentence.

He let go and held my face in his hands. "Shut up babe, It's okay."

I sighed. I felt so horrible for not fixing any dinner. "But I..."

He kissed me on my forehead. "Honey, stop really. I love you even when you forget to make me dinner."

"But babe....."

He put his finger over my lips. I sighed and hung my head. All I had to do today was make dinner and I forgot.

"Well, since you are so persistent with apologizing, I know a way you can make it up to me." He wiggled his eyebrows and kissed my lips.

He scooped me up into his arms and walked toward our bedroom. After shutting the door he placed me on the side of the bed and knelt down in front of me then proceeded to unbutton my blouse. Then traced his finger across the tip of my bra."You're amazing, do you know that.""You do so much for me and still find one million more things to do." He slid the blouse down my arms.

"You are so beautiful." He took my hands and started kissing each of my fingers then the palms of my hands.

I held back my head and closed my eyes as he started kissing my protruding stomach. "I love you more than anything. And when my very pregnant wife forgets to make dinner, I will love you even more. It's okay to be tired baby. It's okay when you do absolutely nothing sometimes."

How could I argue with that? Especially with those skilled hands of his massaging my aching back. Carrying twins was extremely tiring. I did not want the babies to be an excuse even though. He was always spoiling me. Giving me the right even if I am not, treating me like a queen, and letting me have the last word. It has gotten even worse with the pregnancy.I grinned and pulled him up by his shirt collar to my lips.

"Shut up and just kiss me already."

"Damn it, I love you so much." He groaned just before kissing me. I loved this man so much. He was everything I could ever need. In his arms I was happy.***The next morning I was awakened by the most passionate good morning kiss and surprised with breakfast in bed.

I yawned. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"They can handle an hour or two without me." He smiled. "I made your favorites."

I looked down at my tray. Hot chocolate with marshmallows, in my favorite mug, and on the plate were scrambled eggs and sausage sandwich with sliced cucumbers. Did I mention how much I loved this man?

"Mommy." A sleepy little voice called.

I looked over to the door and opened my arms for my little girl. "Come here, my little princess."She ran over to me but is scooped up by Kyron. She let out the cutest little squeal. He spun her around in his arms and she hugged and kissed him. I felt like a puddle of mush at the sight of the two of them. This was beyond adorable.

"I wanna give mommy a kiss." She grinned. They both leaned over and began kissing my cheeks. Oh, how I loved waking up to this every day. I smiled and closed my eyes.

.......Holy crap.


I did not wake up to this every day. I have never woken up to this.

It was a dream.

A bloody dream!

Wake up! Wake up, you idiot!

I opened my eyes and sighed. Great, now my brain was trying to play tricks on me. That future was gone. I am pretty sure of it. Or was that dream the Almighty's way of telling me that there is still a good future for me and Kyron? Well if not, that was cold and it hurt.

Why would my mind even conjure up things like that? Why would it not? It's the only thing that has been on my mind lately. I could no longer go a day without thinking what it would be like if Kyron and I got back together. The dream was a first. It all felt so real and now I wanted it to be.My firstborn if it turned out to be a little girl I want her to look just like the one in my dream. I know it seemed a little crazy but she looked just like me. She had his hair and eyes no doubt but she was just so beautiful. The possibility of having twins again was a little exciting.... and now I am getting worked up by a dream. Damn it! For crying out loud, Jasarie get a grip. It was not going to happen ever!

"Damn it Kyron, you need to stop!" Jasmyne yelled into her phone. That did not sound too good.She sighed. "Look it does not matter."

"No, she doesn't want to speak to you."

"Just stop calling me. I mean it....... Ohh, okay...well you just try it then!" She hung up the phone and threw it on the table.

She plopped down on the couch next to me. "Did I wake you?"

"No. What was that all about?" I had to, she seemed pretty riled up for me not to ask.

"Just Kyron being an ass."

Great now she was being elusive. Kyron must have really gotten under her skin.

"Jasmyne what is it?" I begged. "I can handle it, Jas please."

She looked at me and rubbed my shoulders. "He says he'll fight for custody if we keep him out of the baby's life."

Even if he had only said it because he was upset. It hurt. He was willing to take my baby away from me. Willing to leave me with nothing after all he had put me through.

"I won't let him, you don't need to worry. Okay." Jasmyne cooed and wiped my tears away.

I guess I was the only one pinning for us to get back together. It was stupid of me to think otherwise. Why would he still want me after he cheated on me? He can find better. I am fat and stubborn. Why would he still want me? Who would want me?


I hope you liked this chapter. Pfffft some nerve Kyron's got huh? He is just mad. Or maybe he is serious.
Keep tuned to find out.

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