lost without you

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I woke up to an empty bed yet again. These past five months have been the worst ever. I was all alone. My wife was gone, she should be here with me. It was one of the reasons I married her. So I could see her beautiful face every time I woke up.

It was sometime after ten. She would have been out of bed by now and yelled at me to wake up and clean the yard or make me help with lunch. She was always so cute when she was mad, with her pout and hands on her hips. It would look even sexier with her baby bump.

Damn, I missed her. I missed her beautiful voice. Her lips have said nothing but love you' to me ever since we met. Her body next to mine. Making love to her. Us. Without her I was nothing. She has been my reason to live ever since we met. And I messed it up. Why did I? Because I always mess everything up.

I regret the day I met Serena with each breath I take. She destroyed everything. She poisoned my mind with her dirty tricks and the asshole in me let her. Why did I let it go so far? Why did I have to do this to my wife? If only Serena had never shown up that night.


The music was vibrant tonight. I bobbed my head to the infectious beat while sitting at the bar and watching the crowd gyrating on the dance floor. I had not been out to a club in ages. I missed this taste of my life more than I really should. I sighed and swallowed my second glass of vodka on the rocks.

I looked over at the hot mess sitting next to me. She had been swallowing straight glasses of sunset strong rum ever since she sat there an hour ago.

"If you drink any more you'll pass out."

She sighed not amused. She must have a lot on her mind. "That's the point." She took another drink.

"You're not at all worried that someone could take advantage of you?"

She looked at me and bit on her bottom lip. "Not if it's you." She purred her sweet voice was laced with seduction.

"Are you sure about that?"

She reached over and began sliding her hand upon my inner thigh. "As sure as I'll ever be babe."

I grabbed onto her hand it was only a few centimetres away from my now pulsing member. "You better be careful now," I warned.

She turned her entire body toward me. Damn, she was hot. Her jeans and tank top were practically spray-painted on that gorgeous body of hers. She managed to free her hand and continued. 

She smiled. "What are you gonna do if I'm not?"


Even the memories disgusted me. What was I thinking? I only went there to get a drink or two. To take the sting out of losing my job. Not to ruin my relationship. Not to destroy my life. I love Jasarie. More than anything. If I can forgive her for lying to me about the baby. She can surely forgive me. I needed her to. I was lost without her. The toilet in the bathroom flushed. I stared at the door. Jasarie. My heart skipped a beat. We were fine, everything else was just a bad dream. Yes, an impossible nightmare. There was no way I would ever cheat on the love of my life. I would be crazy if I did. I was going to hold her in my arms and never let her go again. The door opened and what resembled a hooker stepped out. She knocked the wind out of my lungs. Okay, where the hell was my wife?

She started smiling at me. "Morning babe." She walked over to the bed and climbed on top of me. "Last night was amazing." She purred kissing my chest.

Last night? What the hell did I do last night? And who the heck was this on top of me! I closed my eyes and drifted back to last night... The memories took no shame in returning... Oh shit.Arlene. The hooker, no she was not a hooker. I met her at the bar a couple of times before. She was a friend. Last night I brought her home and used her body to vent my frustration. She called it angry sex. How the heck did she enjoy that when it was not even about her? It was about Jasarie. I was mad at her for doing this to me. I do not think I would ever understand women. She sent me divorce papers, already signed. She was not going to forgive me and it was driving me crazy. Jasarie was destroying me. How could she do this to me? I love her.

Serena was nothing. Arlene means nothing to me. Why was she making me suffer so much? I needed her why didn't she understand that?

Arlene mumbled something but I ignored her. This was wrong. Arlene was wrong. Serena was wrong. I was wrong. This whatever it was had to stop. How did I let myself end up here again? This disgusting excuse of a man was not me. No wonder Jazzy hated me. I sat up and buried my face in my hands. What have I done?

"Babe?" I looked over at Arlene she was standing by the bedroom door. "Do you want the coffee or not?"

"I think you should leave."

She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at me. "Are you teasing me?"

I pressed my lips together then sighed. "No, I just want you to leave."

"Are you okay?"

"Damn it, Arlene just go home!" She was ticking me off. I could no longer stand this... This whatever the hell that we had going on was dumb and stupid.

"Oh, okay. I see... You asshole."

She pulled my T-shirt off and threw it at my feet. "Don't think you can get me to come back here after this."

I did not mean to upset her like that. I just wanted her to leave. I needed some space and time to think. I looked at her. Her back was turned towards me. My gaze became fixed on her, She had nothing on. She bent over to pick her clothes up.

"Fuck... Arlene, come here."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So from here on we will be getting p.o.v's from Kyron and Jasmyne. Jasarie will be back soon.

And what the heck is wrong with Kyron?!! Has he gone crazy? Well maybe.



Stay tuned for more. :)

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