wait a minute

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I was stuck in the same spot in my car for about two hours. I hated getting caught in traffic. Where did all these bloody cars come from? We lived on a small island, why were there so many people with cars? It was way too early for this. It was boring. Not to mention hot. The sun was baking me like a stuffed chicken in an oven. My cellphone started playing thinking out loud. It was my soul mate, Tony.

I smiled and pressed the answer button. "Hey babe"

"Jasmyne are you guys okay?"

He sounded like he was on the verge of a panic attack. "Uhhhh... Yeah, are you? You don't sound too good."

He sighed. "One of the neighbours called and said our house was broken into."

"That is a joke right?"

"No, the sliding door in the back is broken. I'm so relieved that you guys are not at home."

I started hyperventilating. "Babe, I.... left Jasarie at... home. Oh please tell me this is a joke... I left her at home, why are you doing this to me?"

If I were still driving I would have crashed. This sort of news was something I never wanted to hear. My baby sister was at home. I left her there because I could not get her to wake up. And Tony was telling me that our house had been broken into.

"Jasmyne, calm down baby. I'm gonna call the police."

I sighed. "She would have called already." My heart raced in fear and anticipation. I wanted her to be okay. 

Please be okay. Please be hiding in the bathroom like in those movies we used to watch growing up. Please. My girls, Jodie and Ally were at their grandmother's for the weekend. I did not have to take them home to this but Jasarie... I could not bear to think that something bad had happened to her.

"I'll call you back in a few okay."


I checked my watch for the umpteenth time, Jasarie had been in surgery for three hours. She lost a lot of blood during the emergency c-section and the complications just kept piling up. If Julia my neighbour had not been there today I would be standing in a different place. I will never be able to thank her enough for saving both my sister and my nephew. She is a surgeon who was just on her way back to work. Had the ambulance taken any longer she would be dead right now. Jasarie had to pull through this. I was nowhere near prepared to lose her. I would never be. A doctor finally appeared. 

I ran towards him. "How is she?"

"The surgery is over, your sister will be placed in intensive care. For the moment she is stable but it could go either way."

"When will she be awake?"

"It's hard to tell. Her head injury was pretty severe. It could take a few days or weeks." He explained.

He headed down the hall afterwards. I remained still trying to stay calm. Tony hugged me from behind and rubbed my shoulders. "She will be okay, baby."

I sighed. The tears came. "And what if she is not?" I cried. "What if I lose her?"

 Be positive. I know I should be but growing up my grandmother always taught me to prepare for the worst. That way I would not be as torn up. When she got sick, she told us not to cry when she died. She said it was her time and we understood. It was not my sister's time but just because I did not want her to die did not mean she was going to live. If God said it was her time there was nothing I could do.

He wiped my tears away. "Did you call Kyron?"

"Let's just focus on my sister okay."

"He deserves to know."

Remember the vow you made ( Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя