Blood bath

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All around Shadow were 4 thugs who exited the tavern earlier. 3 of them were armed with melee weapons and 1 with a pistol. one has a combat knife, another a brass knuckle and lastly one with masse.

Thug 1: Who do we got here? i wanna be bounty hunter?
Thug 2: Nah! Look more like a lost dog.
Thug 3: What's wrong? Can't handle a little punch?
Shadow: 4v1 seems unfair.
Thug 2: Why? You scared of us?
Thug 4: Maybe you should of ask a friend to come help.
Shadow: I was more saying its unfair for you 4.
Thug 1: Ooooh, look guys he's trying to act tough.
Thug 3: Then maybe we should show him his place.
Shadow: Its gonna fun to break your skulls.

The first thug aim his pistol at Shadow, preparing to shoot him. Shadow rush the thug and take the shot to his right shoulder then grab the thug's arm and break it making the thug drop his pistol. Then thug with the knife rush Shadow at the same moment as Shadow push the first thug onto the second thug. The thug  with the knife stabs the first thug by accident and fall down with him. The third thug try his chance and punch Shadow who grab his fists and headbutt him to finaly plundge his claws in the thug's throat, leaving him to choke in his own blood. the last thug bring his huge masse and swing it at Shadow who dodge the first swing to then slide under the thug and jumping on his back. Shadow then shove his claws in the thug's eyes making him panic before falling on the ground. Lastly the second thung try to escape only to get shot in the back 3 times.

Shadow look at his wounded shoulder and remove the bullet. The pain was hell and Shadow hated every moment of it but he had to remove it. After removing the bullet, Shadow was surprised to see that the blood that was pouring out of his wound was not red but black. Shadow was so surprised that he almost forgot the pain. The pain was so weak that Shadow decided to only put a bandage over it. But something was off about Shadow surrounding, something anormal, out of place.

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