On the road again

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After a quick thinking, Shadow decided to let Skye follow him as long as she does what he says. Skye wasn't agreeing at first but decided to accept his condition only for now. They both walk down the road for 2 minutes of silence until Skye was tired of it.

Skye: So Shadow just Shadow...
Shadow: [Slightly annoyed growl] Stop caling me that!
Skye: Fine... Anyone waiting for you back home?

An eary silence starts as Skye said that with Shadow not moving for a moment before moving again.

Skye: Did i said something wrong?
Shadow: [Annoyed] Yes!
Skye: [Intrigued] Well are they dead or corrupted?
Shadow: [Slightly angry at Skye curiosity] You really want to know!
Skye: I wouldn't of ask otherwise.
Shadow: I got no one waiting for me nor any home to go back to! There, happy!
Skye: Shesh, no need to go on your high horse.
Shadow: Then don't ask questions like that!
Skye: [smirk] Well, ask me a question then.
Shadow: [sigh while calming down] Alright, How did you, a nevrean, managed to have the ability to fly?
Skye: [over exaggerated thinking] Ah yes flying, hum. Well you see i wanted to fly so i played with DNA and voila, i can fly.
Shadow: [slightly disappointed in the anwser] Really, thats it? No super secret thing? No "i Have i deep curse"? No interesting backstory?
Skye: [frustrated] What you mean no interesting background?! You'll know that i'm really interesting and that i'm really smart to have found a way to make myself able to fly!
Shadow: [Smile trying not to laugh] Thats why you crashed on the roof.
Skye: [Enraged] I DID NOT CRASH! I LANDED! L-A-N-D-E-D!
Shadow: [Laughs] And i'm the one getting on its high horse.
Skye: [Realise what's happening and death stare Shadow] You...
Shadow: Ok, ok. Ask me a question...
Skye: Hmmm, where you came from?
Shadow: Why you want to know me?
Skye: No, no, i ask the question first.
Shadow: I'm still trying to remember it.
Skye: How can you forget that?!

Shadow pause and remembers he need to keep his true nature secret unless he want everyone to know he is a monster.

Skye: [slightly impatient] Shadow, you going to anwser or not?
Shadow: I... forgot about it because of a hit on my head.
Skye: [suspiscious of Shadow's anwser] If you say so...
Shadow: Lets just focus on the road, ok.

As shadow says that, he hears some whispering behind him. Shadow looks behind him to see nothing then return to look forward to find himself in a hospital hallway. There's alot of half broken doors blocking the way to other rooms. As Shadow walk further in the hallway, fire starts to appear from on the walls. Cries for help are heard further down the hallway. It comes from a room where the fire didn't spread to, Shadow breaks the door down with ease that the door literaly broke in pieces. Slate was hidding behind a hospital bed, scared of Shadow.


Shadow tries to approach Slate to reasure him but instead of moving the bed away he throws the bed on the otherside of the room, breaking the bed and the wall at the same time.


Slate runs to the hole in the wall but Shadow grabs him by the arm. Slate grabs with his other paw a small broken metal shard that was near him and stab Shadow paw with it freeing his arm. Slate crawls through the small space in the wall but Shadow grabs his leg trying to stop him.


Shadow drag Slate to him and lift him by the torso, looking at him. As Shadow tries to say something the only thing that come out is a loud howl. Then out of nowhere Slate's pendant starts shining and then Shadow is thrown away through the window. As Shadow falls, a huge burst of light appears and then...

Shadow! The bird calls the mysterious sergal!

As Shadow snaps to reality...


Skye slaps Shadow, making Shadow almost lose his balance. The left side of Shadow's face hurts like hell.

Shadow: [enraged] WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!
Skye: You were not responding and mumbling to yourself so i decided to slap you.
Skye: [Smirk] Can't be that hard.

As Shadow and Skye stares at each other, a bunch of silhouettes not so far away. After a couple of minutes, the silhouettes starts to be clearer and a voice can be heard.


As Shadow hears that he instantly recognize the voice.

Shadow: [Annoyed] Great...
Skye: Some friends of yours?
Shadow: More an annoyance than anything else.
Skye: Oh, so not so friends of yours then?
Shadow: You better hide if you don't want to be involved into this.
Skye: [Winks] Oh, no no no. I like making new friends.

The group of 4 peoples aproaches Shadow and Skye with the lead member of the group smiling a little too much.

Leader: Small world, heh? Didn't think i'd bump into you again, buddy.
Shadow: We aren't buddies.
Leader: Aw, really? You're breaking my heart.
Shadow: That ain't gonna be the only thing broken.
Leader: You're really going to act like a barbarian infront of this chick?
The group: Oooooooh...
Leader: She got some attitude, i like it.
Shadow: [Getting tired of all this chatter] If you're only here to be annoyance then you can screw off with your fuck friends.
Leader: What did you say?
Skye: Not only he's rude but he's deaf too.
Leader: Okay, enough is enough! I think someone need to teach you your place dog!

The leader take out a doubleplasma shotgun and points it toward Shadow. The others takes out plasma revolvers.

Leader: [Serious] Now miss, step aside if you don't want to get injured.
Skye: You wish...
Shadow: No Skye, this doesn't concern you.
Leader: This is between me and him. Now MOVE!
Skye: [Sigh in desapproval] Ok...

Skye goes away enough to be out of the way, fearing the worst to happen.

Leader: Any last word?
Shadow: You really need that just to kill me?
Leader: [Laughs] You really think im gonna kill you? Nope, you worth more alive than dead.
Shadow: What you mean i worth more alive?
Leader: Well, the guys in black from the hellhunters gave us some money for your capture.
Shadow: [Slightly confused] Huh? The what now?
Leader: The special ops from evolabs... You living under a rock or what? Nevermind i don't care, now follow us.

As Shadow hear the word evolab, he loses it and rush the leader and...


Shadow gets shot in the torso, falling on the ground. Motionless and wounded. No breathing could be heard and no movement could be seen.

Thus is the last fight of Shadow...

Game over, Ombras. Care to retry?

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