Something lurking

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Shadow regain counsciousness covered in blood as he find himself with a half eaten heart and some pieces in his maw. Shadow look at the bodies to realise that they where the group that shot him and that he was eating them. It was so much a bloodbath that Shadow started to puke from the smell and the thought that he was eating their inside. After puking, Shadow realise that Skye wasn't there and feared the worst until he sees her not far away, looking at Shadow with curiosity.

Skye: [curious] I never seen someone take a shot of a shotgun and not only survive but tear everyone apart that fast.
Shadow: [Lost] I don't remember what happen after i got shoted.
Skye: You don't?! That's a shame, i wanted to know how you did that.
Shadow: Why didn't you run when it happened?
Skye: Because i was interested to see what you where doing. It was quite interesting to watch.

While looking at Skye, Shadow sees a red spot on her chest almost hide by Skye's wing.

Shadow: [Worried] Is that blood?! Did i harmed you?!
Skye: [Smirk] That's nothing compared to what you've done to them.
Shadow: [feeling bad] Still, i'm the one who harmed you.
Skye: Hey now, i'm fine. Plus, i'm the one who stayed to watch you slaughter them.
Shadow: But you're bleeding. You need to get patch up soon.
Skye: [smirk] So the mysterious Shadow has emotions now? Stop worrying and tell me what happened.
Shadow: [confused] Why you want to know that?
Skye: Because i want to know your deep dark secret power you have.
Shadow: uh... ok... But don't tell anyone this or i'll have to kill you too.
Skye: Sure!
Shadow: I don't even know where to start.
Skye: The beginning would be a good start. [laugh]
Shadow: [unamused] Really helpful... The only thing i know is that evolabs made experiments on me and that made me like this.
Skye: [curious] And thats why you lose control when you hear the name evolabs?
Shadow: That and they took my brother...
Skye: [surprised] Wait! You have a brother?!
Shadow: yes and he's younger than me too.
Skye: Let's find him then!

Skye Starts running on the road and Shadow following after her. Shadow tries, while walking to Skye's side, to take a glance at Skye's wound but everytime he looks Skye hides it and smile at Shadow. Skye really doesn't want Shadow to see it but who could blame her for not wanting her friend to worry about a flesh wound.

They starts walking for a hours without any sign of life or even corruption which made the atmosphere really quiet and eary. Shadow didn't mind it but Skye in the other paw was quite annoyed by it. Skye starts whistling and humming.

Shadow: Why are you doing that?
Skye: Do what?
Shadow: Making noise for no reason.
Skye: [Smirk] What noise?
Shadow: [Sigh] You're doing on purpose, don't you?
Skye: I don't know what you mean.
Shadow: Ugh, What's on your mind?
Skye: I just don't like it when it quiet because it bores me.
Shadow: You prefer when when there's danger lurking everywhere?
Skye: I prefer talking when i'm with someone.
Shadow: Then let's talk about your wound.
Skye: Stop worrying about it, i'm fine.
Shadow: But...
Skye: I said i'm fine! In fact i never been fe... [Cough] Feeling better.
Shadow: You don't sound fine...
Skye: Shadow, i understand your concerns but everything is alright. [Cough]

The night starts aproaching and Skye decides to call it a day and sleep for the night. Shadow didn't like Skye's coughing but accepted to take a break and sleep. Shadow and Skye began to sleep...

Then darkness...

You think he'll be searching for him?

Of course he will!

But would he make it more difficult?

Does it matter?
Yes, he could find him.
Will it matter?
Well yes obviously.
It's all part of the plan.
What if he does more than planned?

Trust in the plan, my friend.

I am but that doesn't mean we should underestimate him.
Don't worry, everything is as it should be.
Notrix's death was part of the plan then?

Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good.

What about Ghost?
He'll do his part of the job. Now i must go. We got a job to do too.

Don't you too, Shadow?

Shadow wakes up in the early morning while Skye is still sleeping. It is still a little dark as the sun is barely up. Skye was barely moving in her sleep but her wound was clearly visible. the wound didn't look good, in fact it look infected and bloodier than before. Skye needs treatment and fast but one thing was off about the wound, the wound itself look darker than normal. As Shadow approaches Skye to take a closer look, Skye starts couching harder than before and wakes up.

Skye: Oh hey there Shadow. Already awake i see.
Shadow: I had a bad dream. But you don't look too good.
Skye: [Grin] I guess you're right. You saw it, didn't you?
Shadow: ye, look really bad to be honest with you.
Skye: You know how to reassure someone...
Shadow: You think you can walk?
Skye: Obviously! Its not a small wound that'll stop me!

Shadow help Skye getting up and starts follow the road. Not much happenned during that time but Shadow started to realise that the road was going through a marsh. Shadow doesn't know much about the marsh part of the region but he does know that it's a dangerous place since loads of dangerous critters lives there and the marsh is hard to navigate. Shadow lead the way to make sure the road is safe for Skye. After a moment, they find some spiked skulls along with some bones tied to trees. Skye was worried about the bones and skulls but Shadow in the other paw was not affected by the scary decorations. After carefully walking through the place, a weird looking dome made of animal pelt and skin of different critters around the marsh. Some smoke was coming out of the dome. Shadow thought that the person living in there could help them treat Skye's wound, so he enters the dome. When entering, Shadow gets welcomed by an angered looking dragonoid who jumps on Shadow with her makeshift knife and putting on Shadow's throats, ready to cut it open. Saliva driping on Shadow's face as her fans from her neck expend like a dilophaurus would to intimidate his enemies.


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