The enemy of my enemy

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As the pod door open Shadow falls on the ground exhausted and breathing rapidly. Standing infront of Shadow was the stranger looking at him like he was waiting for Shadow to say something.

Shadow: My head! I feel like its going to explode!
Hooded stranger: Told you it was gonna be painful.
Shadow: I only remembered 3 thing. I thought you said...
Hooded stranger: I know what i said and you will remember all of it but only pregressively which will happen while you sleep, uncounscious and rarely awake.
Shadow: Can they be hallucinations?
Hooded stranger: No why?
Shadow: Just curious.
Hooded stranger: you brain showed you the memorises of your brother and the experiments first because they were the ones that affected you the most.
Shadow: Wait, how do you know that?
Hooded stranger: Because the pod recorded your flashback. That and...

The hooded stranger remove his cloak revealing his true identity which Shadow never saw on tal before.
The stranger is a dark purple cat looking anthro with bright yellow eyes. The white of his eyes is black just like Shadow. Some part of the cat anthro is cybernetic and wears a light white exosuit with blue details.

Noxe: ...Im the one who captured you and your brother. My name is Noxe and i am... was the head master of the excursion team.
Shadow: Im not sure if i want to kill you or question you.
Noxe: Both i would say and i would deserve it but let me explain myself then you'll make your choice.
Shadow: First off, what are you? I never seen anyone like you before in my entire life.
Noxe: Im a cat anthro and i come from Gaiale, another planet far from here with load of other anthro species and humans like here.
Shadow: How did you get here?
Noxe: If you let me explain myself, i was gonna say that i was part of what they call the council which all members come from the same planet as me. And before you ask, im not part of the council anymore.
Shadow: Who is the council and how many members does it counts?
Noxe: the council count 5 members now since i left and its the head masters of each divisions including the big boss. for who the are is a mystery since we never seen each other identity.
Shadow: Why did you do this? Why join them?
Noxe: We had a noble goal at first but before they released the corruption on tal, the big boss revealed his true plan and i couldnt agree with it so i betrayed them by sabotaging some stuff and stealing some important research and results.
Shadow: so you're only 6 anthros from gaiala?

As Shadow say this, Noxe's datawatch starts blinking and bipping.

Noxe: Shit! I hoped we had more time. Well, there's about to be alot more soon if we dont do something.
Shadow: We?! What are you talking about? Who said i trust you?
Noxe: Look do whatever you want but without your help, i'll probably wont be able to stop it in time. Plus, Notrix is behind what going on right now if you want revenge.
Shadow: You should of said that first, alright lead the way but dont think im done with you.

Shadow and Noxe leaves the lab to then walk through ruined and abandoned houses. Shadow had still questions unanwsered and time to kill.

Shadow: How do you happen to know exactly that Notrix is doing something really bad?
Noxe: Because like i said before i sabotaged some stuff including the void energy manipulator which my datawatch warn me when its being ativated.
Shadow: Void energy manipulator? Whats that?
Noxe: VEM for short is a way to transport someone from one place to another.
Shadow: So its a portal gateway.
Noxe: No, its not that simple. Its programed to teleport specific peoples to a specific place. You cant travel through it like a portal.
Shadow: so its a fancy portal gateway.
Noxe: Ugh! Why did i bother explaining?
Shadow: Im curious and suspicious, Why are you helping me?
Noxe: Because i want to redeem myself for what i did even though it wont change the damage i made.
Shadow: Clearly not. How many like me did you captured for their mad experiments.
Noxe: You are the fifth one from their main project. the others where... Not that lucky.
Shadow: Because i am lucky you think?!
Noxe: Well you're still yourself unlike the ones introduce with the HZ-73. Today they're only mindless husk serving the council. You must of seen some wandering around, corrupted and hostile. Those where discarded for newer ones like mindless robots.

Noxe stop infront of an old magnetic energy central and look at Shadow.

Noxe: Well we arrived. Ready to enter and stop Notrix?

Shadow nod and both enter a hatch in the floor in one of the rooms. The hatch close behind them making a CLICK sound meaning there's no going back now.
They venture in the dark hallway with no idea to what to expect.

But how long can you trust him?

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