Hide Fast Or Die Trying

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Chapter Seven... Hide Fast Or Die Trying


Lily's POV


I had been hiding here for a couple of hours. Nobody knew I was here, not even my workmates. They probably thought I was dead... I didn't dare move until a police officer came to find me. I was too afraid; if I moved when someone I knew came, he could be right behind us.

I was beginning to feel weak from the bitter cold of the coolroom. I longed to be home. Oh, why had I offered to work tonight?! This was one hell of a night... literally.

I was off in my own little world when I heard the door to the coolroom open. My whole body stiffened, and I held my breath. Footsteps different to the last set that had entered the coolroom filled the room, and my eyes filled with tears.

"Lily?" Nathan hissed. "Lil?"

I wanted so much to answer, but then I'd give away my hiding spot. I didn't wanna do that. I had my hand on the knife I'd brought in here with me, and was ready to use it if I had to.

Nathan closed the coolroom door, and spoke louder.

"Lily!" he called. "Lil, are you in here?! Everyone's worried about you!"

I was just about to come out of my hiding spot when the coolroom door opened again. My grip on the handle of the knife tightened as those heavy, slumpy footsteps of the predator filled the room. In a gap that was just big enough to see a tiny bit of them, I saw Nathan backing away.

"You keep getting away from me," the man spoke. "Not again."

"What do you want, man?" Nathan asked. I couldn't see them anymore.

"Where's your friend Lily?" the murderer laughed. "She's not in here... it's only you and me."

"What did you do to her?!" Nathan shreiked.

"Nothing... yet," the man laughed again.

I heard the horrible sound of a knife plunging through flesh as Nathan groaned in pain and fell to the ground. My eye met his eyes, and he saw that I was in here after all for the first time tonight. But he rolled over in pain as the murderer stabbed him again.

Tears welled in my eyes, and I covered my mouth to avoid making any sounds. Nathan had been stabbed! How many others were there? Was I the only one uninjured in the store? Other than the psycho, I mean?

The murderer left the room then, whistling as he shut the door behind him. I could hear him whistling as he walked away from the room.

I waited a minute before I scrambled down from my hiding spot. I remembered suddenly that the coolroom door had an internal lock on it, and I hastily locked the door. The only way the murderer could get in here now was if he knocked down a wall, and nobody knew I was in here.

"Nath," I cried softly, tears falling from my face onto his chest as I hugged him.

"You're... safe..." he gasped.

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