Who Cares About This! Let's Get The F*** Outta Here!

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Chapter Nine... Who Cares About This! Let's Get The F*** Outta Here!

Lily's POV

Nathan and I had isolated ourselves in the cold produce coolroom, and we'd been here for well over and hour. I'd like to think that the cold was preventing Nathan from bleeding to death, but to tell you the truth I wasn't liking his chances.

I wasn't liking any of our chances.

"What if we die?" I asked suddenly after a few minutes of silence. "What if we all die? Who's gonna know we're in here?"

"They'll find us, Lil," he breathed. "It's like a horror film. At least one person always survives."

"Okay, but we're not in a horror film," I frowned. "This is real. There's some creep with a knife attacking innocent people. And for what? Because he feels like it?"

"I reckon some person's gonna turn this into a horror film one day," he smiled weakly. "And I reckon someone hot like, oh I don't know... Emma Roberts would play you."

"Right," I sighed. "You know, I'd rather think about making it out of here alive before I start thinking of who would play me if they made it into a movie."

"Fair enough," he gasped. "So... how are we gonna get out of here?"

"No idea," I frowned. "I'm not leaving this coolroom. I'd rather die from hyperthermia than a stab wound. No offence."

"Good thing it's winter, and we're wearing sweaters," he chuckled.

"If I have to take mine off because you're cold, Nath, I'll do it," I confessed. "You're most likely to die out of both of us. He got you. And there's no turning back the clock and stopping him, you know. He's gonna kill us all if he wants to, by any means necessary."

"You're being a tad negative," he noted.

"Positivity's gone out the window," I sighed. "I'm thinking realistically."

"You keep that sweater on, Lil," he warned. "Or I'll make you wear it."

"How?" I asked, smiling weakly.

"If we get out of here alive, I'm taking you on a date," he promised. "And maybe we'll drink, kiss... have sex?"

"Okay, well I'm glad to see that the fact you're possibly bleeding to death has had no effect on your hormones," I chuckled.

"Oh, they're always intact," he winked.

"You know, I always liked you, a lot," I admitted. "I was just afraid... You always had your eyes on me, and I thought you'd maybe go back on your intentions to date me."

"You had some bad experiences with men?"

"Boys, more like it. Immature ones at that."

"You know, it's probably Christmas Eve now."

"I should be wanting to go home and sleep right about now. Not be cowering in the cold of a coolroom, desperately hoping I'll live through the night."

"You know, Lil, when I saw you hiding in the racks up there, I feared you'd come out and give away your hiding spot. But I was glad you didn't. If he'd stabbed you, or you'd died, I would have asked him to take me as well. I couldn't bear the thought of you being hurt."

"Well, you being hurt is hurting me," I sighed. "But that's not your fault... it's mine."

"Shh, no it's not," he soothed, taking me in his arms. "Ow! Stab wounds really do suck."

Tears welled in my eyes as I watched Nathan fight to live. It was hard. I had grown to love him as more than a friend or coworker. I could see myself having a future with him...

If we ever made it out of here alive.

"Did anyone call the police?" I asked suddenly.

"No, the phone lines were down," Nathan coughed.

"Damn..." I sighed.

"Yeah, I think the bastard cut them," Nathan explained. "I tried to get out through a door. Pretty sure he hacked the security system to keep them locked. Which is odd, because they're all supposed to be designed so they open from the inside in case of emergency."

"Well, this is definitely an emergency," I groaned. "I wish I had my cell phone on me..."

"I doubt it would work in here, Lil," Nathan chuckled.

"Well, anything's worth a try," I frowned. "Oh, I just wanna go home."

"Well, there's one thing that comes out of this," he sighed.

"What's that?"

"Whether we live or die, we won't have to come to work tomorrow. It's a murder scene now, so..."

"True. And, if we do die, then we get to spend our final moments together."


I know it sounded odd to be thinking like that, but it was hard not to. You're stuck in a cold, refrigerated room that you've locked yourself in so that some maniac can't butcher you with his massive knife. The last thing you want to think about is dying, so you think of the positives of living instead.

Of course, all I could think about was getting out of this place alive and unharmed.

Not possible when you feel yourself getting sick from the cold.

Lisa's POV

I had lost consciousness after being stabbed.

I had no knowledge of how long I'd been inconscious, but I knew it had been for at least a few minutes.

The pain from my stab wound was almost unbearable, but the only thing I wanted was to get out of here.

I managed to stand up, slowly creeping over to the front of the store. I managed to lift the roller door up just enough to roll underneath it. I got to my feet, and even though I was injured, I ran. I ran as fast I could, tears streaming down my face in both fear and pain. I ran out through the small mall that surrounded the supermarket and out into the carpark. The bitter cold air hit me, the icy snow crunching at my every step.

But I didn't stop.

I had to get as far away from here as I could... I had to get help.

How I'd managed to escape, I didn't know. But it was only a matter of time before the psychotic killer stalking us noticed me missing.

But I didn't care. I managed to last through the pain until I got to a coffee shop up the road from the supermarket.

As I burst in the doors, the warmth of the 24 hour cafe hit me. I ran up to the front counter, and the girl behind the counter looked shocked.

"Holy shit!" she gasped. "What happened to you?"

"Man... stabbed... in danger..." I gasped, collapsing to the floor in pain. "OW!"

"Uh... Ben?!" the girl cried. "Help!"

Unfortunately I fell unconscious just moments later...

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