Survival Or Death?

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Chapter Nineteen... Survival Or Death?

Lily's POV

I was frozen in fear.

The man in front of me definitely had to be the murderer. He was tall, dark and scary-looking. And I was afraid. Really afraid. Fear was not something I dealt with well. I didn't deal with anything well, actually. If people knew everything about me, they might understand. But I wasn't a sharing person.

But now all that ran through my head was how much crap I'd gone through in life.

Apart from being bullied at school, physically abused by my ex-boyfriend and having a father who was in prison, I had a lot more on my plate than what people knew.

At school, I was the perky girl on the cheerleading squad, and nobody ever understood how I made it there. I wasn't shy; I was an outgoing person, but I was truly a loner. My friends at school were the type of friends that would bitch about you the minute you disappeared. And the squad girls were skanky, and strolled around in their tiny skirts in front of the football boys. I hid behind a tree most lunchtimes, eating alone and drawing.

Maybe that's why I liked Nathan so much. I was creative, too, just like him.

At home, I was the pain in the ass. My mother treated me like crap for the most part, favouring my brother Dylan. The little rat... my stepdad was an asshole, too. Dylan was nine, and was his son. My dad was an addict, and after committing several hundred traffic offences, he was sent to jail. Then,  he got convicted for dealing. Go figure.

Then there was my ex boyfriend Toby. He seemed sweet at first, but every time we were alone he would hurt me in some way. It started with mild shoving, but then he'd hit, kick, punch... bite. I only stayed with him for a few months, because after two weeks of abuse, I walked away, pretty bruised.

But now, standing in front of a killer, I was in the worst situation I'd ever been.

I didn't know what I should do.

I could have shut the door in his face, but he was standing right in front of me, and I wouldn't have had the time to move and shut the door. He'd have killed me by then.

Fear filled me, and I felt cold. But I knew I had to fight, or die trying.

"Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?" I stammered, my voice shaking. "W-what... what do you w-want?"

"You're the girl I didn't know was here," he grinned evilly.

"Yeah, and you're the bastard that killed all my friends," I said bravely, managing to not have my voice break.

"You've been here this whole time," he pointed out. "And nobody knew. Except maybe that guy that I killed in here..."

"Nathan's not dead," I said, edging myself around the room slowly. "He's alive... very alive."

"He's still injured," the man snapped.

"So are you!" I shouted.

"Look, missy!" he hissed, grabbing me. I winced. "I came here for money, and all of you little shits were in here working."

"So you killed us because we were here?!" I asked. "You're crazy! You could have gotten away, and none of us would have ever known. You could have taken the money, and we wouldn't have said a word. You didn't have to turn yourself into a murderer."

"I've killed before, kid," he said bitterly. "A young girl, just like you."

"Let me go," I breathed.

"No!" he bellowed. "You called the pigs!"


"The police!"

"No, I didn't! I don't even have my cell phone on me! I swear!"

"Well, one of you did!"

"Well, it wasn't me! Please! Let me go!"

Tears were in my eyes. He had a good grip on me, and he could have easily taken me out. But as he walked away, holding me tightly, I managed to grab a small paring knife and slide it into my pocket without him noticing. He dragged me into the coolroom, and I screamed.

I could only hope that someone heard me.

He slammed the door shut and locked it. I was trapped in here with a maniac!

"Please! Let me go!" I screamed. "I'm only seventeen! I don't know much about life yet, so let me freaking go!"

"Stop fighting me!" he shouted.

"No!" I cried. "NO!"

"Aaaaggggghhhh!!" he bellowed. I had bitten his hand, and he let me go instinctively. I managed to run, but knew I wouldn't get the door unlocked in time.

Instead, I climbed up into the shelving, where I had been hiding half the night. He followed me, but I crawled hastily along. I knew he was behind me, as I heard crates of stock hit the ground with an almighty bang.

Just as I went to climb down, he grabbed my ankle, and I screamed as he pulled me back.

"No!" I wailed. "Let me go!"

But my struggles seemed nothing. This man was strong. I knew that there was only one way I could get him to let go of me long enough for me to run away, out of the coolroom. But it was going to hurt. It would hurt a lot.

So I managed to roll myself over, and we both toppled off of the shelving. But the shelves gave way and fell on top of us, too.

It hurt a lot, and I wailed in pain. Because I was pretty sure that when I hit the concrete floor, I broke my arm as I landed on it.

But I forgot about all of the pain, and I got up. The murderous man seemed unconscious, so i hastily unlocked the door and opened it.

I ran as fast as I could, but still I could not get away from him.

This was like some scene from a horror film. Just when you think you've got away, the murderer is right behind you, pulling you back. He grabbed my sweater and pulled me until I fell onto the ground. He lifted his knife as he held me down with his body weight, but I managed to attack first.

I grabbed the paring knife from my pocket and stabbed him in the middle of the forehead with it.

The knife wasn't hard enough to go through the skull, but he shouted in pain and let me go as he rolled along the ground, holding his head. I got up and ran through the offices, tears streaming down my face. My breathing was so heavy and my body hurt. I ran through the lunch room, then out into the store where someone grabbed me.

I screamed in a terrified fear.

But the man who had his arms around me now was a police officer.

"Woah!" the man said. "Calm down! Are you alright?"

"No!" I cried. "No... he tried to kill me! I stabbed him, but he wasn't dead... I fell..."

"You look like you've been through the works," he sighed. "Here. Come and sit down."

I couldn't stop crying in hysterics. The paramedics sat with me, setting my arm in a splint and bandaging up my head where I was apparently bleeding from. In the shock, I didn't even feel any of the pain.

The police officers ran all about the store, but I knew it wouldn't be over yet.

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