🔥 Chapter Fourteen:

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You never know what you can find when the light turns on.
"Let me see you."


The moment the word left my lips, Reece gently held my hips. With soft, caring fingers, he pulled my pants all the way down, lifting me by my ass to get them off-one leg at a time. He gripped the fabric in his hands before looking at either side of the bed. "Hamper?" he asked.

I gulped. Laying in front of him in my red underwear, I felt open and exposed. But not in a bad way. I was anxious and ready for what he might do. So much so... I couldn't process what he asked. "What?" I breathed.

He smirked. "It's fine," he said and tossed my pants on the floor. "We can pick that up later."

What person, in the heat of a moment, thinks of cleanliness? I could appreciate it. But also, if he wanted to rip my clothes off and throw them around the room, I wouldn't stop him either.

Reece's hands slid up my waist. He was gentle until he passed my ribs, just under my breasts. He pressed, fingers pushing into my skin, massaging. "Do you like anything special?" he whispered.

I lifted my hands up above my head. My shirt slightly raised with it. I felt the cool air hit my skin; with my breasts still covered and his warm hands on me, the room's air did nothing. I was shivering, but I was sure-I knew-he was the reason.

"I don't know." Again, honesty. I'd never had good sexual experiences, so apart from the usual he got his and I'm unsatisfied, what did I know about special?

Reece smirked, licked his bottom lip, and let his hands slide back down my body. "Can I say I'm honored?" he said, dark eyes peering at me as his thumb brushed over my panties.

Instantly, I arched and gasped. The electricity and spark I felt from just one touch were wild. He didn't even do anything. It was just his thumb.

Was he honored because he'd be the first to give me an experience? The one to show me how wonderful this could be; to give me something special.

He pressed, softly rotating his finger, and I cried out. What was this? My hands fisted the sheets. When he turned the other way, and the friction brought a burning, a yearning, swelling between my legs, my mouth hung open with a long, silent moan.

"Well-" Cocking a brow, Reece grinned at me before focusing on my underwear. He rubbed his hands over my hips again, then hooked his finger around the fabric and moved it aside.

Okay. He wasn't going to take it off. Just like this. This was happening. What was this? I had an idea, but I'd never received this kind of attention. This sexual care. The look in his eyes-dark, desiring, hungry-wasn't the usual lust people talked about. This was... something else. Something more.

He saw me and cared about me. And I felt it from his gaze.

"Imm'a need you to do something for me," he whispered.

My hands loosened. The sheet relaxed under my head. And my brows shot up high. "Yeah?" I breathed.

"Relax." There was no warning, not that he needed to say anything. I knew what was coming. I just didn't know when.

It was like I blinked and the emptiness within my lower belly was filled by the slow entrance of two fingers. I gasped, arched, and tried to relax like he said. But how could I?

He did it slowly. And on purpose. Each smooth thrust from his hand had my body on fire. And after three seconds, I was whimpering.

I pressed my hands over my face. "Reece," I breathed against my palm.

"Don't." Leaning over my body, Reece used his other hand to grab mine. He moved them away from my face and placed them over my head. With his fingers still moving, I never felt so small, so delicate, and willing. "Let me see you," he said.

Okay. This was fine. No, more than fine. This was perfect. This was new. And so were my reactions. My trembling breaths deepened as I focused on his gaze. He looked at me as if I was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.

He came closer, placing kisses on the side of my neck. Like this, his fingers only got deeper, closer. And I instinctively wrapped my legs around him as I cried.

He deeply chuckled in my ear. "Let me know if you want to stop."

What? No! Why? If anything, I wanted more. But as he said, we were responsible, and taking that route without what we needed wasn't smart.

But this... I couldn't stop this. I was rolling with him, whimpering, following his fingers like a guided dance I desperately wanted to learn.

"Don't stop," I breathed. I wanted to touch him, but he didn't let my arms go.

He moved back and hooked his fingers, pressing upward. His eyes darkened. A low groan came from his throat as he turned his hand slightly, caressing my sides with each stroke. Pressing, massaging, digging deeper until I thought I would pop. He knew it, because he did it again, and again, until he fully removed his fingers, traced my entrance, then pushed his fingers in one more time. Quicker, deeper, sliding upward.

And like that, I cried out louder than I'd been. I arched and let the fire come over me. When his fingers straightened inside me, only to curl again as he pushed, I was done.

Electricity came over. Sparks erupted on my skin. He had to let me go because I pushed, I reached for him, and as I felt my orgasm take hold, I grabbed his head and brought him down to kiss me. I never thought he could taste so sweet.

"You good?" he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine as I touched his cheeks. We locked eyes. He grinned. "I think you're good."

"That was-" I sighed and moaned, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. Biting hard, I let myself fall back on my bed. "Oh, I'm good," I whispered, then looked down at my underwear, "but I think I need new panties for the night."

Reece laughed and lifted his hands. "Don't let me stop you."

I didn't, even though I wouldn't mind. Stopping me meant I wouldn't leave the bed, and if that was the case, if he wanted to touch me again, 'no,' wouldn't be my answer.

Scooting away from him, I slid off the bed and quickly realized my legs wouldn't support me. I was weak-in a good way-and couldn't stop trembling. It took the biggest breath to step forward.

"Um," as I got to my dresser and opened the top drawer, I looked back at Reece, who'd laid back on my bed with a smile on his face, "am I being too forward to tell you, you can stay over."

He placed one hand behind his head and the other pointed, bouncing between the two of us. "Not forward if you're my boo," he said. "But again, something..." he grimaced, "I wasn't prepared for it."

I bit my lip, holding clean, pink panties in my hand. "If you mean toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, and soap, I got you." I ended with a smile.

Reece lifted his brows and smirked. "Preparing for something?"

"Nope." I slowly walked back over to the bed. "I just buy in bulk."

"Touché." Reece sat up once I leaned on the bed. I glanced over the side, eyeing my pajama pants. "Oh, sorry," he said. "Did you want them back?"

"Yeah," I giggled. "I don't know why you were thinking of tossing them in a hamper."

Pressing his lips together, he wasted no time and said, "Because I could touch you all night."

The dark lure returned to his eyes. He leaned forward, almost crawling to me, and cupped my cheek with one hand. "You only have to say the word."

Was this a dream? Was he a character straight out of an erotica book? Right now, he oozed desire. My desire.

Didn't I just think to myself... I wouldn't tell him no?

Rather than pulling off my wet panties, I neatly placed the clean, dry ones on the corner of the bed. "I mean..." I started.

But Reece swooped in and took my mouth in the deepest, hottest, most delicious kiss I could ever ask for.

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