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It was more than just a dream.


Reece picked up my contract from Pioneering Arts for me. And I stared at it for hours. It lay in front of me, neatly placed on my coffee table. I held the perfect pen—point five, smooth gel, nice grip. I was ready to sign. I lifted my hand.

And I sneezed.

I hadn't been able to pick up my contract because it looked like I was coming down with Reece's flu. I was happy it happened the morning after the event because I would've been a mess if I couldn't be there to accept my award. I was sure I'd find out in a phone call or an email, but it wouldn't have been the same. The rush of applause, the complete shock in that gorgeous venue.

I was happy I had that opportunity.

It felt like everything came full circle for me. And I couldn't be happier.

"Pspsps, come here." Reece's voice came from my kitchen. I looked up, wiping my nose with a tissue as I watched him.

Reece called Franny to follow him to the living room. To me. He had a freshly made cup of tea in his hands. I smelled the honey and lemon in the air. I smiled when he looked at me.

"Did you sign it yet, baby?" he asked, putting the cup of tea next to it. He craned his head to look closer at the papers. "I looked it over, you know. Everything's good. Even fair with the two additional books."

"Two more books." I blinked, looking at the papers. I couldn't forget that not only did they want Cyber End, but they also want two more. I could make it a series; it definitely had room for it.

I clicked my pen again and went to sign. The C in my name was the most perfect C I'd ever written. Then my signature followed.

There. I did it. I signed. And I squealed in excitement.

Reece chuckled and sat next to me. Franny followed but jumped on the table instead.

"You did it." Reece wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. "Your dreams are coming true."

"They are." Leaning on my fist, I turned and looked at him, smiling. "All of my dreams are coming true."

He smirked, leaning in for a soft kiss. "Yeah. You say that like it's more than the book deal."

"It is," I said.

"So, what's the rest of your dream?"

"You," I whispered. "Love. You came true. And I'm happy this happened."

Biting his lip, Reece passed his hand over the back of his head. "I'm happy you stayed that day and let me buy you tea."

That was our first real conversation, wasn't it? I couldn't forget it. The sound of the rain hitting the windows. The smell of food and tea was in the air.

I leaned against him and closed my eyes. "Thank you for remembering my order." Because if he hadn't, would I have even tried?

He kissed the top of my head. "Thank you for remembering mine."



The final chapter of Write Me A Love Story! I feel emotional. And I know that, for a moment, I wanted to hastily post it all up, but this is a good feeling. Waiting to share, waiting to hit this {complete} button. <3 This story means a lot to me. 

If you're here, then I can tell you where the inspiration came for this story! ^_^

It was 2015 and I had a sit down with my Hubs, explaining to him what I really wanted to do, I wanted to write books and share my stories with the world, but I just couldn't do it and couldn't figure out why. He looked at me and said, "What's stopping you?" And I didn't have an answer, because there wasn't anything stopping me, but me. He helped me see that and it just took one question {and a lot of motivational pushing and pep talks when I was struggling.} 

I wanted to write a story based on that one question that helped me see nothing  was stopping me. I just needed to go ❤️️❤️️❤️️.

Thank you so much for reading and for you constant support! I appreciate all of the comments, the votes, and if you've shared, I appreciate that, too! Thank you for taking this journey with me ❤️️. ]

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