Chapter Seventeen:

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Sweet similarities with loving kisses


Nancy skipped as she walked, turning in a small circle with her head to the sky. She laughed and hummed. "Don't know what Joe's going to do," she said, looking at Reece and me while we walked behind me. "We walked out of there without the alarm's set."

"You know," I bit the corner of my lip, "I honestly think I'm a little worried. Like he's never been that bad."

"Mhm." Batting her lashes and pursing her lips, Nancy dug into her bag for her phone. Two quick swipes over the screen showed missed calls from Joe and a few unread text messages. "He is that bad. He didn't check in, failed to lock up, and is calling me to save his ass. Isn't the first time he's done this."

"Shit." Reece laughed and placed his hands on the back of his head. "When was the first time?"

Nancy dropped her phone back in her back. "When he first got promoted. Fell asleep in his office and left me to close up. I couldn't, so I left. Then he called me crying."

I remembered that story. Nancy had called me that night, telling me about it. And we laughed for hours.

Like now; chuckling and snickering under the night sky, letting the humor come over us. After a long work shift, it was nice to just let go. Nancy was being herself—chill and flowing with the mood. And when I looked at Reece, I couldn't help but think about what our night would be. He said he loaded up a movie, but which one? I wanted to ask if I'd like it, but as we've talked and gotten to know each other; whatever movie he picked, I'd probably like it.

"Okay, I'm up here." Nancy stopped and pointed to a small two-flat house up the street. The lights on the block gave it a humble glow. It was cute. In fact, the entire block was homely, and I knew from the few times I walked this way with her during the day, her neighbors were nice, too. "I'll head on in and you guys can," she grinned and leaned one shoulder back, "have a good night."

I laughed. Outright, loud laughed. There was my nervousness taking over. Not with Reece, but with Nancy. I'd been so shy sharing the partial, vague details of the night I had with Reece. But Nancy saw through it. And she knew, like I knew, what would probably happen.

I just didn't want to think about it, in case it didn't happen.

Reece chuckled and pushed his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans. "You have a good night, too, Nancy," he said. "Chill, eat, watch some TV."

"And drink!" Nancy stepped backward with a grin. "I'm due for one."

"Oh?" Reece cocked a brow. "Well, you definitely enjoy that!"

Nancy laughed, and so did I. We stayed and watched, making sure she got into her home okay, and that the lights turned on. After a minute, Reece reached down and grabbed my hand. Our fingers linked together as he held mine tightly.

"Ready to go back and feed Franny?" Reece asked as I looked up at him.

"Yeah." I turned and faced him, pressing half my body against his chest. "Then we could watch the movies you set up?"

Reece chuckled, sliding a hand down the sleeves of my jacket. "How'd you know I set up more than one?"

"Because if I'm staying over," I pressed myself up on my tippy-toes and gave him a gentle kiss, "we can't just watch one."


Explaining to a cat that I'd be gone until morning, but there was enough food in her bowl to get her through the night was interesting. I knew Franny understood what I said when I talked to her, but this time, when she just sat there looking at me, she looked pleased? A silent cat-like 'Yes hoo-man, leave for the night and give me peace.'

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