Chapter Twenty:

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The stars are brighter on the other side. Constellations of happiness.


Nothing prepared me for Reece's love. He knew what to do, where to put me, and how to guide me through our night. I wanted to take points for following him so perfectly, landing on his thrusts with victory, but it was definitely a team effort. He was more than I ever had before, but he made sure I enjoyed it.

And that love, care, and pleasure followed me into the night. My dreams were sweet, warm, and I heard his voice over and over.

"You're so beautiful, Camila."

"I'll take it slow."

"If you want me to stop, just say the word."

We didn't just have sex. We connected. We became one. And when I woke up and opened my eyes, I was prepared to see my other half.

He wasn't there. His indent was. And the sound of his voice carried throughout his apartment. I heard it like a quiet echo; a conversation I wasn't supposed to be. But I was curious by nature and needed to know. I would've moved quickly, yet once I peeled the blankets away and saw I'd fallen asleep naked, I knew that wasn't an option.

Remembering that Reece was clean and organized, I found my clothes folded and neatly placed on top of his nightstand. Jeans were optional in the morning, in my opinion. And after our wild night, I didn't think he'd mind. So, I slipped on my underwear and pulled my shirt on, over my head—nothing else.

When I stepped out of the room, I heard him say, "You helped me get here."

I slowed. Biting my lip, I wished I could hear who was on the other line. Who helped him get where? Here? Pressing myself up on my toes, I got closer. The muscles in his back were beautiful in the dim, morning light.

"And that, forever, means a lot to me," he continued his conversation, completely oblivious.

He didn't notice me until I stood directly behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He shot me a quick glance and a grin; a twinkle sparking in his auburn eyes. "Mornin', Boo," he said. Then inched his head closer to his phone "I'll call you later, Dolores. If you really need help, lemme know."

This time, because I was so close, I did hear Dolores' sweet voice on the other line. Kind of muffled, but there. "Okay, Reece. Have a good day with your new boo."

He hung up the phone, but I was smiling. Dolores knew about us? Word was already spreading. Next up, I had to bring Nancy in the loop; without the details, of course.

Reece put his phone on the table and turned, so he held my hips with his hands. "How are you feeling?" His fingers caressed the skin above my underwear. "You sleep okay?"

Did I sleep okay? I most definitely did. My legs still trembled, and my heart ramped up a bit at the sight of him. But sleep was blissful and if I could go back, I would. If I did, I wanted him to come him me.

Like his fingers did to my hips, I placed my hands on his chest and traced his pecks. "I did sleep okay. What about you?"

"Oh, I slept great," he said, then leaned back with a lip bite. "And you look great. Any reason why you popped out of the room half naked?"

I giggled. I couldn't say that I rushed out of the room to listen in on his conversation. Wouldn't be a good look after the first night. But knowing it was sweet old Dolores, and judging by the context, something was happening at the library—there was nothing to worry about. Old scars resurfaced so quickly, a small part of me only needed to hear to be sure.

But I was sure he was right and would be good for me.

"All I have are jeans," my hands slipped up his neck, "and that's a lot to do right now."

"I feel you," he laughed. He lifted one of my hands over my head and twirled me around, so my ass was against him, and the heat of his chest was on my back. "So, I had an idea for today."

My belly tightened. Was he already thinking about round two? "What's that?"

"Well, we need breakfast. I kind of forgot about last night's tacos—sorry." He added his apology really quickly, but I laughed. Honestly, I forgot about them, too. I was hungry and he fixed that without food.

"Are we ordering breakfast?" I whispered, turning my head so I looked up at and into his eyes. I caught the shimmer and shine just as his lips lifted into his sexy grin with his single dimple. Swooning, I leaned in closer and laid my head against his shoulder.

"No ordering," he said. "I'll make you breakfast. So after you freshen up, do what you got to do, we can enjoy a small meal."

"You're going to cook for me?" I had to turn around. I caressed the back of his ear "What'chu going to make?"

"Well," he leaned back, rubbing his lips together, "probably some bacon, pancakes, eggs if you want. I thought," he lifted a finger and touched my nose, "we could have some energy to curl up in the blankets—"

Uh huh?

"Dim the lights—"

Uh huh?

"And figure out what's next in your story?"

I smiled. My brain went straight to the naughty, but I had to appreciate Reece's focus. Two days ago I asked him to help me with my story, and instead—not that I could complain—we did everything else but work on it. My clock was ticking for this deadline; Reece hadn't forgotten.

"We can do that," I said.

"Cool," he grinned, "because I don't want to be the reason you stay distracted. I said I'd help you do this. And I can't let you give up on your dream."

My heart swelled. Happiness slipped over my chest. To hear him say he wouldn't let me give up. No one ever had that focus on me. Had any focus.

"Then," he swayed and held my hips so I'd follow, "after you submit into the contest, we can catch up on all this good," he slowly, playfully ground his hips against me, "loving."

I had to laugh. The look on his face, him biting his lip with a goofy smile. I gently smacked his chest. "Boy, stop." I moved back. "Let me freshen up, so we can eat."

His brows shot up; goofy grin remained. "So, you wouldn't want this good loving after?"

Of course, I did. I'd take the loving as a victory gift, and as a daily treat. I'd want it for any moment, any second, and this was more than sex. When he said loving, I knew he meant the entire package—hugs, kisses, cuddles, moments of just laying on the couch with a good show to watch. I wanted this to develop into something. And if we waited until after I completed a rough draft to really work on it, I couldn't be upset.

He said it... couldn't give up on my dream.

And I really wanted to write.

"Yes, I do." I walked to his bathroom and sighed happily. "But until then, like you said," I looked back at him with a soft smile, "I need to focus on my dream."

He cupped his hands over his heart and gave me the perfect beautiful boyish grin. "And I'll make sure you get there, baby." 

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