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You went to work excited today. You were going to see Adrian again before he went off for his modeling whatever and you couldn't wait to tell him the exciting news. Going into the bakery you remebered that Mari had not been caught up on the new adventures so you had to tell her about how you almost died but Chat Noir saved your life and then later went to vist you at your window. You may have over exaggerated, and when she gave you a weird look, you then told her the real story.

"So what I'm hearing is, is that you put yourself in danger to get close to Chat Noir." Marinette crossed her arms and scolded you

"No what your're hearing is, my prayers were answered and I just had the best day of my life and I can't believe you are not being super happy for me right now, I was really supportive of you that day you thought you would die at Adrian waving at you."

"Differance is, I didn't purposefully put myself in danger to have that."

"You waved back in front of Chole." You crossed your arms and returned the look back at her.

"Fair point."  At that moment, the bell to the door rang signaling a customer had come in. You whipped your head around fast and smiled brightly at the man you wanted nothing more than to see.

"Adrian!" You screamed and ran over to him to give him a hug, this time he was more prepared and tried to wrap his arms around you before you pulled away too happy to keep it bottle up inside.

"Adrian, you truly are my luckycharm!! I saw him last night, but this time he was right across the street from me!! He even sat down on the rooftop!!!"

Adrian smiled at you,
"Really? That's great Y/n, did you talk to him at all?"

You gave Adrian a disgusted look,
"Who do you think I am, talk to him from my window? Like a he's a normal human being? I don't think so. He's going to think I'm some freak that's watching him."

"You are some freak who's watching him." Marinette laughed,

"Righttt but he can't think that."

"I don't think it's weird, I think you just like him in your own way. I'm sure Chat will think of it as something like that. He might be happy to meet one of his fans you never know." Adrian slightly blushes, and your grin widens

"This is why you're my new favorite, that look on your face says it all. You do the same thing too, huh? But for Ladybug?"

Adrian laughed nervously. As Marinette's head turns, she's now completely involved in the conversation
"Something like that." He pulled out his change for his normal order and handed it to Marinette on the other side of the counter as she gave him his breakfast.

"I'm so glad I have someone to talk about this with now, finally someone who understands me!" You say relieved, Mari scoffs

"And I never understood you? You can't talk to me about it??"

"Adrian believes me and is secretly in love with Ladybug so no one can understand better than him." He blushed at your words and scratched his neck,

"He's in love with Ladybug?" Mari added in shock

"W-well not anymore -"

"What? Why?!" Marinette cut him off

"Me and Y/n were talking last night and she had a good point, she's been leading Chat Noir on for years, it's time to let go- go of her, of liking I mean. I don't want to like someone who is that cruel to her partner." You clapped happily,

"Yes, finally! You only prove my point more! I should've been your friend sooner!"

"I agree." He looked down at the ground and smiled, "I got to go before I'm late, goodbye." He looked you in the eyes and gave a small wave. You waved back, following him towards the door

"Pray for akuma attack my little Luckycharm! I want to see my man today!" He laughed as he walked down the street,

"Will do!" And waved again. You turned around to see Mari in full shock,

"What. Was. That." She said,


"That." She pointed up and down towards you and then to where Adrian disappeared.

"Nothing just -"

"Nothing, my ass, you guys are totally into each other."

"Nononono, I like Noir, you like Adrian."

"Not like I did in high school. You guys were totally flirting." You raised your brows at Marinette.

"If you think that was flirting, I now understand why you were nuts in high school."

"Oh come on, you mean you didn't feel it a little bit?" You shook your head no.

"Fine but trust me, you guys are into one another."

"Pfff as if." You threw your hand rag at Mari and walked to the back.

Today was another slow day at the bakery, but it was a week day so that was normal, you got a couple calls for a variety if things, of course for weekend parties you were never invited too.

So you spent most of your day cleaning the oven.

"This is foul." You said poking your head out of the oven. "I don't know who made this oven cleaner but it's goopy and I do not like it. Why is it purple?? It's so unnatural."

Marinette laughed as she was wiping down her oven. "It works good, and that's all I need, goopy or not, the oven is still clean."

You huffed greatly as you began scrapping down the sides once more before wiping it off as Marinette did.

"Wow, you look like you're having so much fun Y/n." You turn your head to see a familiar face framed with glasses.

"Don't make fun of me, Alya. I'm not in the best mood."

She snickered. "I can tell. So is it true?"

"Is what true? That my will to live slowly dying?" You groan,

"No, not that one, the one about you and Adrian." You gave Marinette a glare.

"It's not true, I still very much have a thing for Chat Noir."

"So you don't like him that way even just a little bit?" Alya begged,

"Not even if he dressed up as Chat Noir."

"Really because Nino seems to think that he liked you," Alya winks at you, "alot."

You turned to Marinette, "When did you even have time to tell her this??"

"When you were on break." She giggled

"So..." Alya said, "You guys had dinner last night, right? Nino said you sat side by side. Did you hold hands under the table??"

"Wow, would you look at that? It's past 4:30. I'm going home." You stand up and take off your apron,

"Oh come on Y/n don't be like that. Besides, you said you would stay and help with the ovens!"

"Sorry Mari, something unimportant came up, and I better start doing that instead of being here." You grinned at her and picked up your purse, leaving the store.

Hearing the bell go off as you exited, you closed your eyes gently for a moment and began your walk home. Which seemed like it lasted forever.

In the Dead of Night                 Obsessed Chat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now