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This chapter and the next chapter only brings up the topic of suicide for brief moments, however if this topic does anything to trigger you or brings up unwanted memories, I do advise you stay away from these chapters. Even if it's brief do think of your metal health, I care for each and everyone of you. If you choose to stay away from them yet wish to know what happens message me privately and ill be happy to give you a summary. Thank you, please enjoy,

With all my love

Marinette tried to mask the panic in her voice at your question. "But I thought you said that things were fine and that you didn't want to move in with me?"

"Originally yes, but that was before he decided to be an asshole. Long story short, I think some time away from him will do us some good. I just need somewhere to lay low for a while and Nate convinced me not to waste money on a hotel room or buying a new house."

"A-a new house? You were planning on moving?!" Marinette stood up from her chair abruptly causing Master Fu to give her a worried expression.

You gave Mari a nervous laugh,
"Only for a few days, like I said, Nate talked me out of it but I don't know how many nights of sleeping in the bathtub because he might come through my window, I can take."

Marinette grabbed her purse quickly, she didn't know it was this bad, she thought it was just a small fight. How bad really was it? What exactly did Mari just do to the only partner she has ever known?

It was never meant to go this far, she was just trying to protect them both.

"Of course you're welcome anytime! I wouldn't mind a roomie!" Mari bolted out of the door and headed straight for her bakery. She tried sounding as her usual self even though Paris could be destroyed at your choices. "But don't think we're not going to talk about this! You can't go complete 180 on us and not give us some sort of explanation."

"Well I don't know how much of an explanation I can give you, but I'll try."

"Alright! See you soon!" There was no way were any of the rooms prepared for company, nor did Marinette have anything prepared on how she was going to try and patch your relationship with Chat. Would it be appropriate to call Alya?

Marinette didn't know what she was going to do but this was being done one step at a time, with the lives of Paris and her partner being at stake she needs to be thinking further ahead.

You felt good after the phone call, maybe even a little happy. Thank god you had real friends on your side willing to help you, she willingly just accepted you in with barely information.

Mari was always the kind type, this used to make you slightly worried about her, you thought she was going to be the shy push over she used to be. However she seems so grown up  compared to girl you knew in high-school. Not that you guys talked very much in the first place, but you were on good terms.

She had her best friend Alya and you had yours Nate, however for group projects or running into each other in the halls or bathrooms. You were always kind to each other. Of course you can't forget the one time you dressed up as Chat Noir for Halloween and Ayla just had to post it on her blog.

You smiled knowing that the post was still up, after so many years you still haven't really changed unlike the others.

Marinette went on to take over the bakery for her parents so they could retire.

After it took forever for Alya and Nino to get together they moved in a couple months after high-school to their beautiful apartment. Nino is a highly sought after DJ and Alya is the number one news outlet for all things superhero.

Nathaniel is a comic book artists.

Adrian, is well a dick.

And you? Well you confessed your love for a man to the man himself without knowing it was him. Allowed said man to trick you into hanging onto your feelings until he was ready to like you, eventually started having a relationship with him. Found out about his secret, stepped out into an attack to yell at him, never really got to hit him as hard as you'd like and now you're running away from him.. to your place of work.. where he visits, daily.

You groaned and collapsed on your bed. What would high-school you say now? If they had to witness this mess?

Probably something like 'Suck it up, it's Chat Noir!' or 'You dare hurt my sweet baby and I'll end us before we're 18.'

Yeah so you were a tad dark, but you were infatuated with him. Well Chat Noir. Adrian on the other hand was a different story, you practically avoided him, he was nice but off putting. What were you supposed to do now knowing that the man you loved is also the man you avoided?

The man that Marinette was in love with for a good part of her life and now you're going to be staying at her place because you are upset at the man that both teenage you and her were obsessed with.

When did your life become so complicated?

You heard a knock on your door before Nathaniel walked his way in. Noticing the mess and the duffle bag full of clothes on the floor, he walked over to you and collapsed next to you.
"So is this a you coming back thing or a I get an office thing?"

You started laughing,
"I paid rent for the month I will most definitely be coming back."

"Fine but if you don't give me next month's rent by the due date, your bed will be on the curb the next morning." Nate took a look around the room. "And those curtains."

You turned your head to look at Nate,
"How could I leave for so long? What would I do without you?"

"You'd most likely spontaneously combust considering you can hardly walk without tragedy striking." Nathaniel smiled and looked back at you, "I just feel bad for Marinette, she has no idea what hell she's signed up for, I can't wait for some peace and quiet around here. Without your rambling I might be able to get some work done on time."

You crossed your arms,
"You wouldn't even remember to eat without me."

"Maybe but at least I'll know where all my sketch pads went." He grinned and you sprung up in an upright position.

"It was one time!" Nathaniel gave you a weird look. "Okay so it was a few times but you should really just learn to draft sketches on your tablet instead of on paper, then on tablet, then finish it! It makes no sense!"

Nate's grin softened and he sat up with you,
"I'll miss you, a little bit, you did say you were coming back. I swear, if you come back in four days after all this sappy and sad shit. You're paying full price on the rent next month."

You leaned over and gave Nathaniel a hug, whispering a small 'deal' in his ear. It's not like you guys are moving away from each other but maybe he is thinking what you're thinking. That whatever you decide and whenever you come back, you weren't going to be the same person who left this apartment. It was time to grow up, if only a little bit.

Nathaniel helped you pack, you packed for ten days and figured that by then you would either have your choice or new clothes. Nathaniel didn't walk you down the stairs or out of the apartment at all, simply to the door and when you turned around to say goodbye it was like his hard exterior was gone. The shy boy you knew in high-school was right in front of you again and he looked worried.
"You'll call right? When you get there?"

"I'll call everyday, otherwise I'm afraid you'll replace me with Marc." You felt yourself tearing up, but why? It wasn't goodbye forever, there's no way, not after how much you paid in rent.

"Don't be such a fucking baby." Nathaniel's voice cracked which made you smile again. You waved to Nathaniel and made the long track down the apartment steps. You didn't hear the door close until you were long out of sight from Nate.

In the Dead of Night                 Obsessed Chat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now